
Title V

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate Research

The Undergraduate Research Program of the FP2S grant is housed under the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. 

Our mission is to facilitate research experiences to our undergraduate student body and give our faculty an opportunity to provide these experiences through a classroom setting.  Research shows that the more contact between students and faculty, both inside and outside the classroom, will enhance students’ development and learning outcomes.

What is research?

Research involves the gathering of data, information, and facts for the advancement of knowledge.

Why participate in undergraduate research?

The goal of undergraduate research is to involve students with a sense of excitement that comes from working to answer important questions in their field. As students feel more connected to their field through meaningful inquiries, they develop all the necessary abilities to complete their undergraduate program and continue their education through graduate school.

  • Develop relationships with faculty and mentors
  • Develop collaboration, problem-solving, and communication skills
  • Discover and contribute meaningful data to your discipline
  • Be better prepared to apply to Graduate or Professional School

How to get started?

Contact a professor in your field to inquire about undergraduate research opportunities.

For More Information Contact:

Aracely Negrete
Title V, Undergraduate Research Coordinator
Eckhardt Hall RM 147  

The Undergraduate Research Program is federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education #P031S150096