
University Police Department

Campus Carry Law

Committee Members

91AV SB-11 Committee

91AV appointed a committee to oversee implementation of SB-11. Here is a link to the approved rule (Rule 34.06.02K1, Carrying Concealed Handguns on Campus) with university procedures and responsibilities related to SB-11.

Direct questions to the committee at: concealedcarry@tamuk.edu

Dr. Bart Ballard bart.ballard@tamuk.edu Faculty Senate Representative
Mr. Benfield, Ramey A. benfield@pharmacy.tamhsc.edu College of Pharmacy
Ms. Christina Williams stinamwilliams@gmail.com SGA Representative
Dr. Dazhi Sun dazhi.sun@tamuk.edu College of Engineering
Dr. Don J Jones Don.Jones@tamuk.edu College of Education and Human Performance
Mr. Felipe E Garza Jr felipe.e.garza@tamuk.edu Chief of University Police
Ms. Karen Royal Karen.Royal@tamuk.edu Director of Compliance
Ms. Kirsten M Compary kirsten.compary@tamuk.edu Dean of Students
Dr. Martha Sale martha.sale@tamuk.edu College of Business Administration
Dr. Potter, David E. dpotter@pharmacy.tamhsc.edu College of Pharmacy
Mr. Randy Hughes kfjrh00@tamuk.edu Chief of Staff
Mr. Robert C. Pena Robert.Pena@tamuk.edu Staff Council Representative
Dr. Roger Tuller roger.tuller@tamuk.edu College of Arts & Sciences
Mr. Ruben Cantu karjc00@tamuk.edu Associate Director of Athletics
Dr. Tim Fulbright timothy.fulbright@tamuk.edu College of Agriculture
Mr. Tom Martin thomas.d.martin@tamuk.edu Exec. Director, Housing & Residence Life