
Center for Academic Technology


Professional Development

DE Certification course

Before an instructor can transition into a virtual environment, an instructor must complete the Distance Education Certification course

Distance Education Certification is a dynamic 4 weeks program including 30 hours of instruction: 4 virtual meetings, simulations and weekly assignments. In addition to the training, participants are enrolled in an individual sandbox course where they will practice the new skills and design an online or hybrid course for future delivery. The training provides a systems view of how to structure successful distance learning experiences in higher education and how to promote student engagement and success.

DE Certification course is offered once a semester with the exact dates announced via Javelina Blackboard Essentials.

Panopto training

Panopto is TAMUK's video editing and video storage platform fully integrated with Blackboard. DE certified Faculty members are encouraged to attend 3 weeks Panopto training that covers the following topics: 1) recording one's lectures & assessing students with Panopto; 2) working with Zoom – Panopto link; 3) Panopto as media storage – uploading the existing videos, creating quizzes reflected in the Grade Center; 4) students video assignments & students' "reflective" videos.

Panopto training is offered once a semester with the exact dates announced via Javelina Blackboard Essentials.