

Office of the President

Presidential Appearance Request Form

Presidential Appearances

The president is active on campus and in the community and strives to accommodate requests to participate in events. However, scheduling conflicts prevent the president from accepting every request.

To request an appearance by the president, please fill out the form and provide specific details regarding your event. Incomplete requests cannot be considered. Requests should be made well in advance of your event to ensure the best chance of securing a date on the president’s calendar. It is recommended that requests are completed two months ahead of time.

You will receive a response via email within three weeks. If your request is accepted, your event will be placed on the president’s calendar along with the details you provided on the request form. If any event details change, you must inform the Office of the President.

Please note: Occasionally, the president may be called away unexpectedly. You will be notified if the president’s calendar changes and he cannot attend your event. If you indicated that a suitable substitute could replace the president at your event, every effort will be made to send someone on behalf of the president.