Academic Advising
The Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture and Natural Resources is committed to providing academic advising and assistance as they relate to the needs and goals of our students. For further information about our advising services, please contact one of the advisors.
Advising Links
- College Advisor
- Forms
- Graduate Catalog 2020-2021
- Graduate Catalog 2015-2017
- Undergraduate Catalog 2017-2018
Academic Advising
All Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture and Natural Resources undergraduate students must schedule a mandatory advising appointment with their academic advisor before the end of every fall and spring semester. During the fall you will be advised for spring courses and during the spring, you will be advised for summer and fall courses.
Your appointment can be scheduled no sooner than one week before your registration date opens. Advisors will advise students by appointment only. Please check the Priority Registration Schedule for your registration date.
Appointments can be setup via Starfish. No appointments will be setup via email.
1. Log into
2. Click on the tab labeled Campus Resources
3. On the right hand side, you should see an area labeled Campus Quick Links
4. Starfish should be the last link
Once you are in Starfish:
1. Click on the "My Success Network" button. Then you should see your advisor block.
2. If you do not see your advisor's block, type in their name in the search bar under "My Success Network" to schedule your appointment.
3. Then click on "Schedule Appointment".
Remember your appointment should not be scheduled earlier than one week before your actual registration date. If you schedule your appointment too early, your appointment will be canceled and you will be asked to reschedule your appointment.
For more information, contact your advisor. Javier Mendoza (90 +hours) at (361) 593-3718 or email Shelly Salazar, Animal Science and Veterinary Technology (less than 90 hours) at (361) 593-4202 or email Carla Winterbottom, Agribusiness, Agriculture Science, Plant and Soil Science, and Range and Wildlife Science (less than 90 hours) at (361) 593-2789 or email
Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
All students must be advised by their college academic advisor. The advisors are located in Support Services Building - Room 110 and Human Sciences Building - Room 101 . Students need to make an advising appointment with their advisor every semester. Students that fail to do so will have a "hold" placed on their records until they complete this appointment.
Every student will be advised by a departmental faculty member for career advising.
Agriculture Science
Certified - Dr. Steven Chumbley
Non-certified - Dr. Steven Chumbley
Plant & Soil Science
Agronomy - Dr. Greta Schuster
Horticulture -
Environmental Soil Science - Dr. Greta Schuster
Animal Science
Last names A-E - Dr. Randy Stanko
Last names F-J -
Last names P-T - Dr. Tanner Machado
Last names U-Z - Dr. Natasha Mast
Range & Wildlife Management
Last names A-B -
Last names C-F - Dr. Bart Ballard
Last names G-I - Dr. Fidel Hernandez
Last names J-L - Dr. Alfonso "Poncho" Ortega
Last names M-P - Dr. Randy DeYoung
Last names Q-S - Dr. Sandra Rideout - Hanzak
Last names T-Z - Dr. Evan Tanner
Transfer Students
Once admitted, transfer students should contact Mrs. Shelly Salazar (Animal Science transfers) or Mr. Javier Mendoza (Ag Business, Ag Science, Plant & Soil Science, and Range & Wildlife Science transfers) for information regarding academic advising.
Transfer coursework is evaluated by 91AV standards. Courses from a community college will be transferred in as lower division credit only. Transfer coursework grade point average is brought in as CREDIT ONLY. Transfer grades cannot be used to raise the grade point average at this university.
Mrs. Salazar and Ms. Winterbottom will evaluate transfer credits once they have been articulated by the Office of Admissions and explain how the credits apply to the chosen degree plan.
Before you meet with your advisor
Check out and review our policies, procedures, and forms pages where you will find helpful hints about dropping and adding courses, important downloadable forms and answers to other questions you might have.
Helpful Advising Tips
- Try to stay on track with your degree plan, but don't get so overloaded that you sink. This especially goes for those of you who are working while you go to school.
- Don't procrastinate. Many of your basic requirements are prerequisites for your career courses. Get them over with early on.
- Try to use your electives to bolster your degree with courses that might make you more marketable. For example, if you are in animal and wildlife sciences, a business or accounting class will make you look good if you want to be a ranch manager.
If my degree plan says I need three hours of Communications, what class can I take?
Any of the following courses:
COMS 1307 - Introduction to Mass Media
COMS 1311 - Introduction to Oral Communication
COMS 1315 - Business & Professional Communications
COMS 1336 - Introduction to Television Production
COMS 2374 - Professional Communication
ENGL 2374 - Professional Communication
If my degree plan says I need three hours of Creative arts, what classes can I take?
Any of the following courses:
ARTS 1303 - Art History I
ARTS 1304 - Art History II
COMM 2304 - Introduction to Filmmaking
MUSI 1305 - Explorations to Music History
MUSI 2306 - Introduction to Music History & Literature
MUSI 2308 - History of Jazz
MUSI 2310 - History of Rock & Roll
MUSI 2320 - Music of Many Cultures
THEA 2310 - Introduction to Theatre
If my degree plan says I need three hours of a Language/Philosophy/Culture course, what classes can I take?
ANTH 2302 - Introduction to Anthropology
ENGL 2331 - Global Issues in Literature
ENGL 2342 - Readings in Poetry and Novel
ENGL 2362 - Readings in Short Story and Drama
FREN 2311 - Intermediate French
FREN 2312 - Intermediate French
HIST 2321/2322 - The Development of World Civilization
PHIL 1301 - Introduction to Philosophy
SPAN 1373 - Spanish for Heritage Speakers
SPAN 2301 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2302 - Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 2311 - Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2312 - Intermediate Spanish II
WGST 1301 - Introduction to Women and Gender Studies
Spanish/French (Appropriate placement tests required - Contact the language and literature department at 593-2516)
If my degree plan says I need three hours of Social/Behavioral course, what classes can I take?
ANTH 2301 - Introduction to Archeology
ECON 2301 - Principles of Economics I
ECON 2302 - Principles of Economics II
EDKN 2335 - Sport in Global Society
EVEN 2372 - Environmental Engineering in a Global Society
HSCI 2323 - Marriage and Family Relationships
POLS 2304 - Introduction to Political Science
POLS 2340 - World Politics
PSYC 2301 - Introduction to Psychology
SOCI 1301 - Principles of Sociology
SOCI 1306 - Social Problems
SOCI 2361 - Pluralistic Societies