
Animal Science and Veterinary Technology

Staff and Faculty Directory

Dr. Randy Stanko

Professor, Reproductive Physiology

Randy Stanko was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Being raised on a small beef cattle and sheep/goat operation, and having actively participated in youth and high school rodeo, brought him to Colorado State University where he majored in Animal Science as an undergraduate.  An internship opportunity with 91AV;M Research, Overton, TX between junior and senior year allowed him to be involved in independent research and led him to graduate school at 91AV;M University.  He studied the effect of cold stress on newborn Brahman calves in his Master’s thesis.  His Ph.D. research was completed at North Carolina State University in Reproductive Physiology where he investigated the interaction between somatotropin, insulin-like growth factor I, insulin-like growth factor binding proteins and reproduction in female beef cattle.  He spent 1 year on a teaching fellowship at North Carolina State University in the Department of Animal Science where he taught courses in the Associate Degree Program.  He joined the faculty at 91AV and 91AV;M AgriLife Research in 1994 as a Reproductive Physiologist.

Curriculum Vitae


B.S. in Animal Science, Colorado State University, 1985

M.S. in Reproductive Physiology, 91AV;M University, 1988

Ph.D. in Physiology, North Carolina State University, 1993

Research Interests

Randy’s research interests involve all aspects of reproductive physiology, both at the basic and applied management level.  Recent research efforts have involved extensive collaboration with colleagues at 91AV;M University and 91AV;M AgriLife Research in developing a synchronization of estrus protocol for timed-artificial insemination of Brahman influenced mature cows [Bee-Synch I & II].  Further research efforts include incorporating synchronization of estrus and timed artificial insemination protocols into management system for large west and southern Texas ranches. Randy also studies reproductive efficiency and management of meat goats and hair sheep. Specifically, the Dorper sheep and how to incorporate them into an accelerated breeding program suited for Texas. Reproductive management systems designed to sustainably produce 3 lamb crops every 2-years.

Outreach and Community Service

Randy’s professional outreach and community service activities include working with local and regional 91AV;M AgriLife Extension Agents and Specialists with their service to beef producers in the area of reproductive management.  His youth outreach activities included livestock judging and animal project education. Randy also coaches/advises the TAMUK Livestock Judging Team 

Teaching Appointments

Physiology of Mammalian Reproduction—Graduate level

Mammalian Endocrinology—Graduate level

Environmental Physiology of Animals—Graduate level

Sheep and Meat Goat Management—Undergraduate level

Beef Management—Undergraduate level

Reproductive Physiology of Domestic Animals—Undergraduate level

Artificial Breeding of Livestock—Undergraduate level

Dr. Randy Stanko