
Veterinary Technology

Veterinary Technology Program

Criminal History Information

Any person that has a criminal history that will prevent him/her from achieving employment in the veterinary field or that will make them ineligible to sit for a state licensing exam will not be admitted into the program.  

An applicant with a criminal history has the option to petition the Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (TBVME*) for a criminal history evaluation letter to determine if the applicant is eligible to sit for a licensure exam or to receive a license, based upon his/her criminal history.  If the applicant desires the criminal evaluation letter to be considered by the program, the applicant must provide a copy of the letter to the Program Director in accordance with all applicable admissions deadlines.  The applicant may be considered for acceptance into the program if the letter states that the applicant would not be ineligible for licensure in the state of Texas.

The Veterinary Licensing Act

(Chapter 801, Texas Occupations Code) states the following:
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A person is subject to denial of a license or to disciplinary action under Section 801.401 if the person:

(1) presents to the board dishonest or fraudulent evidence of the person's qualifications;

(2) commits fraud or deception in the examination process or to obtain a license;

(3) is chronically or habitually intoxicated, chemically dependent, or addicted to drugs;

(4) engages in dishonest or illegal practices in, or connected with, the practice of veterinary medicine or the practice of equine dentistry;

(5) is convicted of a felony under the laws of this state, another state, or the United States;

(6) engages in practices or conduct that violates the board's rules of professional conduct;

(7) permits another to use the person's license to practice veterinary medicine or to practice equine dentistry in this state;

(8) fraudulently issues a health certificate, vaccination certificate, test chart, or other form used in the practice of veterinary medicine or the practice of equine dentistry that relates to the presence or absence of animal disease;

(9) issues a false certificate relating to the sale for human consumption of inedible animal products;

(10) commits fraud in connection with the application or reporting of a test of animal disease;

(11) pays or receives a kickback, rebate, bonus, or other remuneration for treating an animal or for referring a client to another provider of veterinary or equine dental services or goods;

(12) performs or prescribes unnecessary or unauthorized treatment;

(13) orders a prescription drug or controlled substance for the treatment of an animal without first establishing a veterinarian-client-patient relationship;

(14) refuses to admit a board representative to inspect the person's client and patient records and business premises during regular business hours;

(15) fails to keep the person's equipment and business premises in a sanitary condition;

(16) commits gross malpractice or a pattern of acts that indicate consistent malpractice, negligence, or incompetence in the practice of veterinary medicine or the practice of equine dentistry;

(17) is subject to disciplinary action in another jurisdiction, including the suspension, probation, or revocation of a license to practice veterinary medicine or to practice equine dentistry issued by another jurisdiction;

(18) is convicted for an offense under Section 42.09, 42.091, or 42.092, Penal Code;

(19) represents the person as a veterinarian without a license issued under this chapter;

(20) practices veterinary medicine or assists in the practice of veterinary medicine without a license issued under this chapter; or

(21) violates Section 801.353 or a rule adopted by the board related to confidentiality.

An applicant having a criminal history should note that acceptance into the Veterinary Technology Program does not guarantee that the student will be eligible for licensure.  Clinical facilities may limit or prohibit students with criminal histories from participating in clinical experiences which are part of the curriculum.  Other options may not exist for the student to fulfill required clinical hours in order to complete the program.  As a result, the student would receive a failing grade and may not be eligible to complete the Veterinary Technology Program or apply for licensure.  All of the above factors should be taken into consideration prior to making a decision about pursuing a career as a Veterinary Technologist.

In addition, applicants should note that a satisfactory criminal history upon admission does not guarantee completion of the program.  A student will be expelled from the program should the student receive an infraction that would cause them to be ineligible for state licensure.

*Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners
333 Guadalupe Street Tower III Suite 810
Austin, Texas 78701
Phone: 512.305.7555