
Veterinary Technology

Veterinary Technology Program

Veterinary Technology Program Re-admission Application

Are you ready to continue your journey?

This application is for eligible students seeking re-admittance to the TAMUK Veterinary Technology Program after withdrawal or dismissal.  An eligible student may be accepted one (1) additional time after withdrawal or dismissal from the program. Re-admittance applications are considered alongside all other received applications for the incoming cohort. Students re-applying are not guaranteed admittance.

Online Application Information

  • This application form cannot be saved for completion at a later date.  Navigating away from this page will clear all form information.
  • Please be prepared to fill out all required fields and attached required documents prior to starting your submission.
  • We recommend reviewing the Application Questionnaire section and preparing your 100 word or fewer answers in a word processing document.  Your answers can then be transferred to the application using the copy/paste function.
  • Please only submit the application once.  If additional documents need to be submitted, please email them to vetnursing@tamuk.edu
  • Check your TAMUK email account for updates. You should receive a confirmation email after submission.

You will need the following:

  • Updated contact information
  • Unofficial transcript(s) if additional coursework has been completed

Are you a new program applicant?

Do not complete this application. Please navigate to the application page.