Practicum Education
Field education is a core requirement of the MSW Program. It consists of a two-semester series of integrated courses each year (one two-semester series in the Advanced Standing Program) which place students in human service organizations under the instruction of professional social work practitioners who are “teachers” in the practicum (the Field Instructor), and with the guidance of faculty of the Social Work Program (the Faculty Field Liaison).
Students are required to demonstrate a level of proficiency of social work practice commensurate with an MSW social worker. Students have the opportunity to apply and refine values, knowledge, and skills under the guidance of experienced social work practitioners who serve as Field Supervisors. These practicum practicum experiences are brought back to the classroom where they are further examined within the context of the knowledge, values, and skills of the social work profession and the advanced generalist approach to social work practice.
The practicum practicum is an agency-based practice experience where students develop professional social work competence in the application of advanced generalist concepts that are presented and discussed throughout the academic curriculum. The practicum provides an opportunity for students to perform, with supervision, a variety of planned multilevel social work interventions; to learn to work effectively in different social work settings; and to understand the everyday operations of community and social service systems.
Students will participate in a seminar class while participating in practicum to serve as means for students to learn about the requirements of the practicum practicum experience. They provide the student with an additional opportunity to share with peers and instructors their questions and practicum experiences, allowing enhanced understanding of the knowledge, values, and skills of the social work profession and how the practicum requirements are integrated into the overall curriculum CSWE) has established standards for social work education.
"Every effort will be made to find a practicum placement that is compatible with a student’s employment or other life circumstances. It must be understood, however, that the majority of practicum placements available do not accept students during non-traditional hours and it will probably not be possible to place students primarily during evening and weekend hours as few appropriately supervised social work practicum placements are available at those times. You will likely need approximately 20 hours per week, during business hours, available to complete your 900 practicum hours (500 in the Advanced Standing Program Track)."