Your History... Rediscovered
Welcome to the History Program at 91AV. Students in the History Program receive personalized attention from talented faculty members who teach across a variety of disciplines.
Students in the History Program do much more than learn about the past; they have the opportunity to engage actively as historians, completing primary research, presenting papers at national conferences and completing internships at museums, archives and for The Journal of South Texas, which is edited by History Program faculty members.
Areas of Study
Students can pursue studies in the United States, Latin American, European, Asian, Mexican American, Women’s, or Texas History and prepare for a variety of history careers at 91AV.
A major in History requires completion of 33 semester hours in History, consisting of five required courses and six elective courses.
A minor in History requires completion of 18 semester hours in History.
The History Program proudly awards up to $7000.00 in scholarships to students each academic year. Scholarship funds include the Walter A. Russell, the Nelson R. Sharpe, the Harriett Owens, the David Thomas Clapper, and the Mildred Chiuminatto funds. Each year, the highest qualified incoming freshmen is awarded a $1000.00/year Russell Scholarship, contingent upon maintaining a 3.0 GPA. The selected student is contacted by a member of the department during his/her senior year of high school.
Existing students should look for signs in Rhode Hall during the Spring semester each year. These signs will indicate that they should pick up an application in the department office. A scholarship committee will then award funds to qualified students.
Student Organizations
The Robert J. Kleberg History Club holds the distinction of being the oldest student club at TAMUK. It was organized during the first summer session held at then South Texas State Teachers College on June 22, 1925. The club is open to all students, irrespective of major and hosts events which promote history and learning. Their promotional board with the latest information is frequently updated and is located in Rhode by 312.
For more information on joining the RJK History club, please email the faculty sponsor Dr. Dean Ferguson at dean.ferguson@tamuk.edu.
Phi Alpha Theta is the international honor society for history students. To qualify for membership, history majors must have completed at least 60 hours toward the BA degree, rank in the upper 35% of their class, have at least 12 hours in history with a 3.00 or better GPA in all history courses, and have a 3.00 GPA in at least two-thirds of all remaining college work.
The TAMUK chapter (Gamma Omega chapter) of Phi Alpha Theta has been active on campus since the 1950s. Members of the Gamma Omega chapter have presented award-winning papers at professional conferences, and they hold an annual induction for new members. The Gamma Omega chapter works closely with the RJK History club in hosting history-based events which promote and celebrate historical learning on campus.
For more information on applying for this organization, please contact the faculty sponsor Dr. Roger Tuller at 361.593.3601 or at roger.tuller@tamuk.edu.