
History, Political Science, and Philosophy

Political Science

Political Science

Welcome to the Political Science program at 91AV. The purpose of the Political Science program is to serve students, the university, and the community through undergraduate teaching, research and community-oriented activities in the areas of government and politics.

The Political Science program encompasses a broad range of studies on the nature and function of political institutions at the local, state, federal and international levels. The nature of our political institutions tells us much about ourselves and our society. An understanding of these institutions can dramatically contribute to our ability to effectively participate and utilize the system to its fullest potential.

United States Capitol

Paths to BA

The Political Science program offers courses in a variety of fields leading to the Bachelor's Degree. Fields of study include American State and National Governments, Policy Analysis & Public Administration, Political Philosophy, Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Public Law. The study of Political Science has opened doors leading to careers in both the private and public sectors. Some students have taken positions as government officials or educational leaders and still others have used the knowledge acquired to benefit private business in the areas of international trade and investment. Often Political Science majors pursue graduate degrees in public administration, international relations, the social sciences, education or law.

You've taken the first step to learning the value of becoming a Javelina Political Science Major. Join us and Take Charge of Your Future.

BA in Political Science

Political Science Majors at TAMUK undertake an undergraduate program of study leading to a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science.  It is the program normally selected by a student planning to go directly into graduate school, law school, or a career in the public or private sector upon completing the bachelor’s degree. 

The political science program also offers a minor in political science.  In addition, several political science courses are offered in support of TAMUK’s major in criminology and minor in urban studies.

Areas of Study

Major: Requires 30 Semester Credit Hours in Political Science

Minor: Requires 18 Semester Credit Hours in Political Science


Political Science Faculty

Political Science Global Programs

A global network of customized programs is one of the distinguishing features of 91AV’s Political Science Program. These Programs - Political Science Global Programs (PSGP) - are uniquely structured to introduce students to the politics, history, culture, and economics of key areas in the world; how those may impact the world and what consequences they may have for the United States.

PSGP are developed and managed by Dr. Nirmal Goswami, Professor of Political Science. All PSGP incorporate broadly defined sustainability components.

PSGP have limited summer internships and research assistantships. Funding for these are through the generosity of private donors supporting PSGPs’ goal of providing unique, globally relevant educational opportunities to the best students at 91AV;M-Kingsville.

PSGP believe “global” also means local.  Therefore, PSGP involves local initiatives as well. These feature Civic Engagement Projects with local communities and Learning Communities with area high schools.

PSGP can also assist 91AV;M-Kingsville faculty interested in spending sabbatical time in Bhutan. This opportunity may include partial travel funding support and excellent free housing in Bhutan.

Learn more about our Global Programs


The Political Science program has a Political Science Scholarship Fund, from which it awards students money each year. Students should look for signs in Rhode Hall alerting them to apply for these funds. A scholarship committee will then award funds to qualified students.


The Pre-Law Society is a student organization open to students of all majors, but situated within the Political Science program. It has been established to give students who intend to enter law school and others the opportunity to interact with other students who share the similar career objectives. In addition; it works to assist students in preparing for both the law.

The Society typically takes one trip per semester, either relating to law school admissions (as with the Houston Law Forum) or attempting to expand the students’ understanding of the political-legal process (as with visits to the state legislature in Austin). The Society usually holds meetings twice a month; the meeting time is posted in Rhode Hall on the Pre Law bulletin board outside room 323.

Pi Sigma Alpha was founded in 1920 at the University of Texas to bring together students and faculty interested in the study of government and politics. It is the national honor society for undergraduate and graduate students in political science. There are currently over 460 chapters throughout the country. Through the Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS), Pi Sigma is linked to 59 other academic honor societies. The TAMUK Pi Sigma Alpha chapter was first organized in 1987-88 with fourteen charter members. Since Fall 1987, more than fifty student and faculty members have been inducted into the local chapter. Two honorary members have been inducted as well. They are State Representative Irma Rangel (Fall 1991) and State Senator Carlos F. Truan (Spring 1992). Both are graduates of TAMUK (then 91AV;I University).

Pi Sigma Alpha gives students the opportunity for valuable administrative experience as chapter officers or organizers of chapter activities. The local chapter can compete for Chapter Activities Grants awarded each year by the National Honor Society. For example, our Pi Sigma chapter was awarded a grant which was used to fund a South Texas Town Meeting in the Spring of 1992. The Town Meeting held at TAMUK focused on public and higher education issues. Pi Sigma Alpha chapters may engage in a wide range of activities, including sponsorship of speakers and public forums; publishing newsletters or journals; organizing field trips; sending representatives to regional and national meetings; organizing community service activities such as voter registration drives; conducting surveys, straw polls, and mock elections; hosting conferences for high school or college students; participating in university activities that are open to student organizations; organizing fund-raisers; providing services such as mentoring and tutoring fellow students and organizing local GRE or LSAT reviews; etc.

Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of decision-making processes of various councils and committees at the United Nations. It is widely adopted by many universities across the world for students to learn about world governance and issues such as terrorism, human rights, and organized crimes using a very hands-on approach. Our MUN program started with a group of 15 students who attended the Alamo Model UN conference hosted by the University of Texas at San Antonio in November 2017. Our Model UN society is now one of the most active student organizations, and we will host our own debate competition in April of 2018.

There are many benefits of participating in the MUN program. You will be able to 1) gain extensive knowledge about how world governance operates; 2) understand critical issues across the globe, ranging from security to socio-economic to environmental issues; 3) learn how to act professionally; 4) negotiate diplomatically; 5) meet students from different universities and high schools; 5) engage in interdisciplinary research; and 6) improve your resume with this action-based learning program.

Contact: Dr. Chika Rosenbaum at Chika.Rosenbaum@tamuk.edu

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International Affairs Group (IAG) started more than two decades ago with Dr. Richard Hartwig (emeritus). This is a place where experts from different universities and institutions visit our campus and expose our students and faculty members to important issues across the world. We focus on timely issues, such as the nuclear development by North Korea and the War on Drugs, and other important issues in politics and society that deserve greater attention.

Coordinator: Dr. Chika Rosenbaum (Chika.Rosenbaum@tamuk.edu)

Student IAG Director: Edgar Lopez (edgar.a.lopez@students.tamuk.edu)

You can see the latest IAG lecture series featured on .