

Faculty & Administration

Lecture of Music

Lecture of Music Theory

Houston native, Dr. Chad Robinson, is the Artistic Director and founder of , a Houston-based, mixed chamber ensemble focused solely on the work of Texas composers. As a composer, he has worked with many prestigious ensembles and soloists, such as: Ethel, Lontano, The Jack Quartet, The Parker Quartet, Musica, George Vosburgh, Mary Dullea, and Emma Steele. His music has been performed throughout the globe and in February of 2020, his works received their Carnegie Hall debut. Dr. Robinson has received multiple awards and grants throughout his career, including: 1st Prize in the CMU Orchestral Composition Competition, 2nd Prize in the Louisa Stude Sarofim Composition Competition, KCL Music Research Grant, and the KCL Arts and Humanities Research Grant. An alumnus of University of Houston (BM), Carnegie Mellon University (MM) and King's College, London (PhD). Dr. Robinson's music is recorded by Navona Records.

Contact Information

School of Music
MUED 278
MSC 174 91AV
Kingsville, Texas 78363-8202
voice: 361-593-2156
Email: Chad.Robinson@tamuk.edu

Lecture of Music