
Physics and Geosciences


Physics at TAMUK

Degrees Offered



Our program holds a variety of events to bolster student learning and increase involvement around our department. We are happy to prepare newsletters to commemorate all the events we put together. Check them out! 

Students hiking


Undergraduate Scholarships Graduate Scholarships

Texas Physics Consortium


91AV is a part of the Texas Physics Consortium (TPC). The TPC (formerly TECP) is a group of Physics Departments from various universities around Texas that work together to provide access to high-quality courses and lectures from experts in each area of study. The TPC has seven member universities:

  • Tarleton State University
  • Midwestern State University
  • Prairie View A&M University
  • 91AV;M University-Corpus Christi
  • 91AV
  • Texas Southern University
  • West 91AV;M University

 (currently hosted by Tarleton State University).