
Petrophysics Program receives donation for Student Scholarships

The Coastal Bend Geophysical Society (CBGS) donated $10,000 towards petrophysics graduate scholarships. The Department looks forward to working with the Coastal Bend Geophysical Society to advance the study of geophysics and associated sciences in the Coastal Bend.

SEG EVOLVE Team wins three awards at 89th Annual SEG Meeting

Our SEG EVOLVE team won three awards at the recently concluded 89th SEG Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX. The three awards include 1) BEST INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY (MP), 2) MOST CHEERFUL TEAM, and 3) MOST CHEERFUL PERSON (MONICA ESTRADA). Thanks to the team members Monica Estrada, Howard August Palacios and the faculty advisor, Dr. Subbarao Yelisetti.

Photo of the Chair of the Department

Message from the Chair of the Department

The department seeks to prepare students who are majoring in geology or physics; minoring in geography, geology, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), geophysics, or physics to compete with graduates from other institutions for industrial and governmental positions, follow a career in science education, or pursue a higher level degree. It does this through fundamental courses in the respective disciplines and through specialized programs in GIS, energy, hydrogeology, groundwater modeling, certification in GIS, certification in Geophysics, and certification in nuclear power plant (NPP) operations. For students in technical areas, the department endeavors to provide the background necessary for success in their chosen profession. For non-technical majors, the department strives to enlighten students concerning some of the basic realities of our universe and to instill in them an appreciation of the methods of scientific inquiry and the impact of science on our modern world. In addition to our undergraduate degrees and minors, we also offer an interdisciplinary graduate program in Petrophysics. Brent C. Hedquist


The Department of Physics and Geosciences prides itself in it's stewardship and pursuit of the unknown. As such, our faculty constantly publishes avant-garde content in multiple fields of study. Ranging from Climatology to Nuclear Physics, the research being performed at our department not only bolsters student learning, but also advances our knowledge of our universe.

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