
Employee Services

Human Resources

Employee Information

Employees need to be aware of federal and state laws, and 91AV;M System regulations that affect them in the workplace. Human Resources has compiled summaries and links to information that requires annual posting and provided it below for employees to review. If you have questions about the information listed here, please speak to your supervisor or the indicated responsible office or agency.

Annual Notification to Employees

Personal & Employment Information

Faculty and staff at 91AV;M University- Kingsville should annually review and update their personal and employment information via Workday. Your participation in keeping your information up-to-date assures the university has accurate information for the online A&M Directory, emergency contacts, and demographics for federal, state, and university reporting compliance.

  • Standards of Conduct Notice   for State Employees
    These    are prescribed by the Texas State Legislature.
  • Equal Employment Opportunity
    The  law  requires an employer to post a notice describing the Federal  laws  prohibiting job discrimination based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, equal pay, disability or genetic information.
  • HIV/AIDS Notice
     is offered by The Texas Department of Health (TDH). The Human Immunodeficiency Virus Service Act, Chapter 85, Texas Health and Safety Code, specifies that workplace guidelines be established to ensure that the rights and privileges of individuals infected with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) are protected (System Regulation   ). Visit the    for additional information.
  • Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Rehabilitation Program (DAAPP) Notice
    91AV is committed to protecting the health and safety of its employees. Because alcohol and drug abuse is a significant problem in the United States, 91AV is concerned about substance abuse on our campuses.
  • Compensatory Time Notice
    All state agencies are required to notify their employees of the state's policy on compensatory time. Please read the information provided in the accordion below about federal and state compensatory time and how it may be used.
  • Notice of Privacy Practices for Medical Information
    The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, also known as the    requires that we provide detailed notice in writing of our privacy practices. This notice describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

    • 91AV;M University- Kingsville is committed to providing an environment of academic study and employment free from harassment or discrimination to all segments of its community including faculty, staff, students, guests and vendors. Harassment and discrimination, including sexual harassment and discrimination are illegal under federal and state statutes, including but not limited to Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, and is prohibited by 91AV;M University - Kingsville. The university will promptly address all complaints of discrimination, sexual harassment, and related retaliation in accordance with applicable federal and state laws.
    • Title IX Information

  • Per University Rule 33.99.14.K1 existing employees must inform their supervisor or appropriate university office within 24 hours of any criminal arrests, criminal charges, or criminal convictions, excluding misdemeanor traffic offenses punishable only by fine. If circumstances prevent this, employees should notify their supervisor as soon as the situation allows it, and provide explanation for the delay. Employees should refer to University Rule 33.99.14.K1 to determine the appropriate university office to notify.

Holiday Schedule
Holidays Number of Days Dates
Labor Day 1 September 4, 2023
Thanksgiving 2 November 23-24, 2023
Winter Break 6 December 25, 2023-January 1, 2024
Martin Luther King Jr. Day 1 January 15, 2024
Memorial Day 1 May 27, 2024
Emancipation Day 1 June 19, 2024
Independence Day 1 July 4, 2024


Holiday Schedule
Holidays Number of Days Dates
Labor Day 1 September 2, 2024
Thanksgiving 2 November 28-29, 2024
Winter Break 7 December 24-January 1, 2025
Martin Luther King Jr. Day 1 January 20, 2025
Spring Break 1 March 21, 2025
Memorial Day 1 May 26, 2025
Juneteenth 1 June 19, 2025
Independence Day 1 July 4, 20235


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Fulltime permanent staff, who have earned a degree from an accredited institution may qualify for the 91AV;M University- Kingsville Educational Achievement Award.  The employee must have a performance evaluation on file with an overall rating of meeting or exceeding expectations and a written request for the appropriate educational achievement.  The request must be submitted to Human Resources, through the Provost, Vice President, or the most senior division administrator. 

Employees may be eligible for an Educational Achievement Award if they were an employee status effective September 1, 2020. Employees must also have been enrolled in consecutive semesters since Fall 2020 through commencement. 

The memo, and a copy of the employee’s transcript, must be received no later than Friday, August 23rd for human resources to process the increase by the effective date of September 1st.  The salary adjustments are based on the salary in effect on August 30th and will be consistent with the educational achievement levels described below.

 Educational Achievement Award amounts:

  1. Bachelor’s degree: +3%
  2. Master’s degree: +4%
  3. Doctorate: +5%

Please note that there will be no retroactive awards for transcripts that are submitted after the August 23rd deadline.

There are differences between federal and state overtime, time-and-a-half, straight time, compensatory (comp) time, or exempt and non-exempt employees. Understanding these terms can impact your work life. This is a summary of overtime law, and contains definitions to explain some of the terms used.

What is overtime?

You earn overtime when you work more than 40 hours in a work week. Whether you are compensated (receive comp time or pay) for working overtime depends on whether you are exempt or non-exempt under federal law. Your supervisor can tell you whether your position is exempt or nonexempt. If you are eligible to be compensated, you can be granted compensatory time, or you can be paid for the time. The A&M System's practice is to grant comp time in most situations.

Federal Overtime

If you are nonexempt, you earn federal overtime whenever you work more than 40 hours in a work week. Paid leave or holidays taken during a workweek are not counted as hours worked when determining federal comp time.

Under certain circumstances and at your department head's option, you may be paid for overtime at a rate of one and a half times your hourly rate instead of receiving comp time. Your supervisor may adjust your hours in a workweek if you are on track to accumulate overtime (for example, if you work more than eight hours one day, your supervisor may require you to work fewer hours another day during the same workweek to avoid overtime).

You may accumulate up to 240 hours of federal comp time and keep it indefinitely; this amount represents 160 hours worked at time-and-a-half. If you work in a public safety, emergency response or seasonal job, you may accumulate up to 480 hours (320 hours worked at time-and-a-half). You will be paid for any overtime that exceeds these limits. The 91AV;M System regulation is that Federal Comp Time should be paid for after it has been in the employee's comp bank for 12 months. This is paid at the time-and-a-half rate and is based on either the employee's salary at the time of payment or the average of the last three years' salaries, whichever is higher.

You keep your rights to accumulated federal comp time until you use the time or are paid for it. When you leave employment, you will be paid for remaining federal comp time or, with your supervisor's approval, you may remain on the payroll to use it up.

State Overtime

If you are non-exempt and you work no more than 40 hours in a workweek but your work time plus paid leave or University holidays total more than 40, you will receive state comp time for the hours that exceed 40 in the workweek. This is straight time compensation where you will receive one hour of state comp time for each hour of paid time in excess of 40.

Let's say you work only 36 hours one week, but you also took eight hours of sick leave that week. Even though you reported 44 hours on your time sheet, you worked only 36 of those. This means you will earn four hours of state comp time (36 hours worked plus eight hours of sick leave minus 40 hours in a workweek).

Whether you are exempt or non-exempt, you are eligible for state comp time if you are required to work on a University holiday (excluding "emergency" days).

Non-exempt employees may not earn state comp time for time worked at home. Exempt employees will earn state comp time for hours worked from home on University holidays (excluding “emergency” days). Exempt employees can accrue a maximum of 8 hours per day, and weekends are not counted.

You must use state comp time within 12 months of the end of the workweek in which it was earned. If you do not use it within this period, you will lose it.

State law prohibits payment for state comp time at termination of employment. However, under A&M System policy, you may remain on the payroll to use up your state comp time.

Using Compensatory Time

You must have your supervisor's permission before using your accrued federal or state comp time. In most cases, supervisors will allow you to use your comp time when you wish. However, use of time off may be denied at times when your absence would disrupt critical functions of your department. Your supervisor may require you to use accrued federal comp time even if you have not requested time off and may also require that you use accrued federal comp time before using vacation.

If you request use of state comp time at least 90 days before it expires, your supervisor must either approve your request or suggest an alternate time you may take it. If you request use of state comp time less than 90 days before it expires, your supervisor must make every effort to accommodate your use of the time, but is not required to allow you to use it if your absence would disrupt critical functions.

For More Information

You'll find information about comp time in two of System Human Resources' online training programs. The programs, "Comp Time Issues for Employees" and "Comp Time Issues for Supervisors", can be accessed at  (click on "TrainTraq").


Federal overtime:

You have worked overtime under federal law when you work more than 40 hours in a workweek.

State overtime:

You have worked overtime under state law when your hours worked plus paid leave and holidays total more than 40 hours in a workweek.

Time-and-a-half comp time:

Comp time awarded for working federal overtime. Eligible employees receive one-and-a-half hours of comp time for each overtime hour worked.

Straight-time comp time:

Comp time awarded for working state overtime. Eligible employees receive one hour of comp time for each overtime hour worked.

Non-exempt employees:

Those not exempt from federal overtime laws. Non-exempt employees are eligible to be compensated for federal and state overtime. Non-exempt employees are required to submit timesheets documenting actual time worked and must have their supervisors' permission before working overtime.

Exempt employees:

Those exempt from federal overtime laws. Exempt employees are not compensated for federal overtime and may be compensated for state overtime only in limited circumstances. Most exempt employees do not fill out timesheets and can work more than 40 hours without a supervisor's permission.


A typical workweek is Sunday through Saturday.


Marc Cisneros Center for Young Children is a laboratory on campus available to students to observe and gain practical experience working with young children and their parents.

Your team will speak to you about further and continued training. 

Child Protection Training

  • Senate Bill 1414 requires training to be completed by individuals workings at the Center for Young Children. This document will explain the steps that need to be taken as required by Senate Bill 1414.