
College of Engineering


Young Engineers of South Texas

Students engage in activities hosted by the Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering.
Welcome to our Young Engineers of South Texas page.

The Young Engineers of South Texas (YESTexas) Summer Camp is actively working on a plan for the June 2025 camp, including the times, dates, locations, and activities.

We will publish updates on social media and send emails to our Engineering Communications Contact List as soon as possible.

Are you interested in getting early updates and signing up a student for our YESTexas Summer Camp in 2025?

Please fill out our  today!

Students engage in activities hosted by the Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering.

Monday, Date, 2025: Activity Pending

Time: Pending
Location: Pending

Program under construction.

Tuesday, Date, 2025: Activity Pending

Time: Pending
Location: Pending

Program under construction.

Wednesday, Date, 2025: Activity Pending

Time: Pending
Location: Pending

Program under construction.

Thursday, Date, 2025: Activity Pending

Time: Pending
Location: Pending

Program under construction.

Friday, Date, 2025: Activity Pending

Time: Pending
Location: Pending

Program under construction.

Stay informed about Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering activities, programs, and events! Get the latest announcements and highlights delivered straight to your inbox!

Join the  today!

Do you work for an engineering firm and are interested in partnering with us to create more outreach opportunities for students? Great! Let's connect. Please contact Mr. Jesus A. Reina at jesus.reina@tamuk.edu or by phone at 361-593-4971.