

Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering

Laboratories and Facilities

The department believes that learning the science pertaining to civil engineering comes from hands-on experience. The department has four laboratories used for teaching and research and storage space for surveying equipment. Because of the strong emphasis placed on the laboratory and field studies, the department has well-equipped laboratory facilities.

Transportation Research Laboratory (TRL)

TRL is equipped with hardware and software for highway surveying, traffic monitoring, traffic control, traffic simulation, and analysis, etc. The Civil Engineering Computer Laboratory includes 20 advanced computers loaded with the most commonly used transportation design and operational analysis software. Our research staff in the regional research, service, and technology transfer division of Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) at TAMUK, is actively participating in TxDOT research projects related to Intelligent Transportation Systems, Traffic Operations, and Safety. TRL at TAMUK collaborating with TTI and CTR at UT-Austin, provides excellent opportunities of research, education, and professional training to undergraduate and graduate civil/transportation engineering students. 

The Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 

The Geotechnical Engineering Lab is equipped with conventional and state-of-the-art testing equipment with two or more sets for teaching, learning, and research. The Laboratory equipment includes consolidometer, triaxial, direct shear, and automated cyclic triaxial apparatus installed with the help of a grant from the National Science Foundation. 

The Hydraulics Engineering Laboratory 

The Hydraulics Engineering Lab is well equipped with standardized and conventional apparatuses. The hydraulics Laboratory has space provided for the construction of physical models along with a wide range of methodology for fluid flow analysis pertaining to computational hydraulics and fluid studies.

The Environmental Engineering Laboratory

The Environmental Engineering Lab includes the conventional equipment used for undergraduate teaching and conducting research. Two or more sets of instruments are available for use to conduct tests relating to quality sedimentation, contamination, and management of water. Also included are the treatment of sludge, solid waste, etc. 

The Construction Engineering Materials Laboratory

The Construction Engineering Materials Lab is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for teaching, learning, and research pertaining to the materials, science of cement, concrete, asphalt, masonry, and other construction materials. The Laboratory includes a high capacity universal testing machine having a dual-range of 400,000-lb. compression and 200,000-lb. tension for testing concrete cylinders, rebars, and similar products. There are two or more sets of equipment available for conducting tests related to mix design, process of Portland-cement concrete, and asphaltic concrete. 

The Field Surveying Laboratory 

The field Surveying Lab includes multiple sets of typical surveying instruments for distance, leveling, and angular measurements. Three sets of total stations are also available.