

Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering

Research and Discovery


The CEAE department’s research mission is to provide meaningful professional development opportunities for our students and technical expertise to our local communities through projects related to sustainable infrastructure and the built environment.  Our research focus includes hazard mitigation; rehabilitation and preservation; coastal and climate resiliency challenges; infrastructure management to support community growth; and fundamental research into component and material behavior.

Ongoing projects

Students and faculty in the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering are impacting the local community with research focused on sustainable infrastructure, hazard mitigation, historic preservation, and fundamental research on component behavior.

The Institute of Architectural Engineering Heritage continues its multi-year collaboration with Rancho La Union, documenting and helping to preserve South Texas history.

Recently funded research projects include:

  • "Develop Guidebook for Managing System Costs: Operational and Capital Cost Management at Rural and Small Urban Public Transit Systems."  Funded by TxDOT.  Dr. Hessami is PI.
  • "Dune Restoration at Isla Blanca Park, Cameron County, TX - Phase II."  Funded by Cameron County, TX.  Dr. Choi is Co-PI.
  • "Resilient Coastal Dune Ecosystems for Erosion and Habitat Protection at South Padre Island."  Funded by Texas General Land Office.  Dr. Choi is Co-PI.
  • "Curricular Integration of Design and Material Standards in Engineering (CID-MaSE)."  Funded by NIST.  Dr. Bailey is Co-PI.