
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Graduate Students

Graduate Courses in Computer Science

5303. Advanced Topics in Computer Science. V:1-3

One or more advanced topics. May be repeated when topic changes. (Credit may not be obtained for both CSEN 5303 and EEEN 5303 courses if the topic is the same.)

5304. Advanced Computer Architecture. 3(3-0)

Introduces the design principles of modern computers. The topics include RISC and CISC architecture, interconnection networks, multiprocessors and multicomputer systems, dataflow and systolic arrays, future outlook for architectures and the basics of parallel algorithms. Credit may not be obtained in both CSEN 5304 and EEEN 5304.

5305. Graduate Research Project. 3

A graduate research project must be completed and submitted to the Graduate Office for a grade to be assigned, otherwise IP notations are recorded. This course is specifically designed for Plan II and Plan III students. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

5306. Thesis. 3

This course is for Plan I students. The course requires 6 hours of grades, the first 3 hours consisting of completion of a thesis proposal and the last 3 hours consisting of completion of the thesis. Completion of the thesis proposal is a prerequisite for enrollment in the last 3 hours of thesis.

5313. Compiler Design. 3(3-0)

This course introduces the structure of a compiler and the various techniques used for designing a compiler. Topics include grammars, parsing methods, implementation details and translator writing systems. Prerequisite: CSEN 4366.

5314. Database Systems. 3(3-0)

Basic concepts and architecture of database systems, ER model, relational model, relational algebra, SQL, ER-to-rational mapping, functional dependencies normalization, database design process, object-oriented database. Distributed database. Prerequisite: graduate standing in computer science or another engineering discipline.

5322. Operating Systems. 3(3-0)

Operating systems principles; procedures and their implementation; protection, concurrent, cooperating and communicating processes; storage management; resource allocation; scheduling; file systems; and system design issues. Prerequisite: CSEN 4362.

5323. Computer Communication Networks. 3(3-0)

The International Standards Organization (ISO) Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model as a framework for the study of computer communication networks. Data communication. Functions and protocols of physical layer, medium access sublayer, link layer, network layer and transport layer. Case studies. ISDN. Prerequisite: graduate standing in computer science or electrical engineering.

5325. Software Engineering. 3(3-0)

Covers development life-cycle models, inspection process, software quality metrics, testing, validation metrics, estimation and scheduling. Prerequisite: graduate standing in engineering.

5333. Real Time Systems. 3(3-0)

Characteristics of systems and techniques used in real time computer applications. Scheduling theory, verification and design techniques including simulation and probabilistic models. Prerequisite: graduate standing.

5334. Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs. 3(3-0)

Introduction to new results in algorithmic graph theory and perfect graphs. Presentation of algorithms and applications associated with different structured families of graphs. Survey of new research directions. Prerequisite: graduate standing.

5336. Analysis of Algorithms. 3(3-0)

Introduction of the design and analysis of computer algorithms. Topics include asymptotic efficiency; a survey of useful algorithms for sorting, information retrieval and graphs; paradigms for algorithm design; and a brief introduction to complexity classes including NP. Prerequisite: graduate standing.

5337. Theory of Computation. 3(3-0)

Examination of Turing machine theory; decidability; reduction of one problem to another; complexity theory and NP-completeness. Analysis of the intrinsic difficulty of entire classes of problems. Prerequisite: graduate standing.

5339. Embedded System Design. 3(3-0)

Embedded system architecture and programming. Role of microprocessors, input/output, analog and digital interfacing and peripherals in hardware integration. (Credit may not be obtained for both CSEN 5339 and EEEN 5339. Prerequisites: EEEN 5333, EEEN 5330 (or approval of instructor).

5350. Application of Neural Networks. 3(3-0)

Includes a review of network architectures, perceptron, linear networks, back-propagation and radial basis networks. A real-time laboratory experience in seeing the application of neural networks. Prerequisite: graduate standing in Computer Science. (Credit may not be obtained in both CSEN 5350 and EEEN 5350.)

5401. Advanced Problems in Computer Science. V:1-4

Individual or group research on advanced problems conducted under the supervision of a faculty member. Maximum credit 8 semester hours.