
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Welcome to EECS

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at 91AV provides broad-based programs leading to B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering and computer science.

Electrical Engineering Undergraduate

EE Courses

EE Degree Plan

Degree Flowchart

Electrical Engineering Graduate

EE Courses (Grad.)

EE Degree Plan (Grad.)

Computer Science Undergraduate

CS Courses

CS Degree Plan

CS Student Handbook

Computer Engineering

CPEN Degree Plan

CPEN Curriculum 


The Computer Science Program Educational Objectives are:

  1. Graduates will demonstrate a synthesis of theory and practice in computer science that will be expanded upon throughout their professional careers.
  2. Graduates will act according to their ethical, global, social, legal, information security and other professional responsibilities.
  3. Graduates entering industry positions will contribute effectively to the technology projects carried out by their respective employers.
  4. Graduates who continue to advanced studies will successfully complete their chosen degree programs.

Student Outcomes of the Computer Science Program

The Electrical Engineering Program Educational Objectives are:

  1. Our graduates will be capable of pursuing professional careers and/or advanced studies.
  2. Our graduates will pursue state-of-the art solutions to engineering problems and evaluate/embrace new technologies.
  3. Our graduates will exhibit personal commitment to continuous learning, high ethical standards, sound business decisions, and engineering excellence.

Student Outcomes of the Electrical Engineering Program

The Computer Engineering Program Educational Objectives are: 

  1. Graduates will be capable of pursuing professional careers and/or advanced studies
  2. Graduates will pursue state-of-the-art solutions to computer engineering problems and evaluate/embrace new technologies
  3. Graduates will exhibit personal commitment to continuous learning, high ethical standards, sound business decisions and professional excellence 

Student Outcomes of the Computer Engineering Program