
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science


Undergraduate Courses in Electrical Engineering

The following information is from the TAMUK 2014-16 Undergraduate Catalog for the EE program

1201. Introduction to Electrical Engineering. (ENGR 1201) 2(1-3)

Introduction to electrical engineering and its role in society.  Electrical engineering skills, tools and techniques applied to problem solving and academic and professional survival strategies. Introduction to electrical circuits, electrical measurements, digital logic and ethics.  Includes a writing component as well as use of computers (spreadsheets, tables, graphing and simulations). For students planning to pursue a career in electrical engineering or computer science.

2323. Network Analysis I. 3(3-0)

Introduction to linear network analysis techniques.  Phasor analysis and sinusoidal steady-state response. Single phase and polyphase circuits.  Prerequisites: MATH 2414; Co-requisites:  PHYS 2326/PHYS 2126 and MATH 3320.

2340. Digital Logic Design. 3(3-0)

Hardware implementation of arithmetic and logical functions, organization and design of digital systems.  Prerequisites:  CSEN 2304.

In addition to the listed prerequisite for the following 3000 and 4000 level courses, a student must have an overall grade point average of 2.0 or higher.

3212. Circuits and Electronics Lab. 2(1-3)

Laboratory course to correlate with circuits and electronics.  Prerequisite:  credit for or registration in EEEN 3325.

3321. Network Analysis II. 3(3-0)

Two-port networks, Fourier analysis, time domain response, transient response and Laplace transform techniques.  Prerequisites:  EEEN 2323, CSEN 2304 and MATH 3320.

3324. Electromagnetics. 3(3-0)

Vector analysis, electrostatics, steady magnetic fields. Maxwell’s equations, uniform plane waves, circuit concepts, propagation and radiation.  Prerequisites:  PHYS 2326/PHYS 2126 and MATH 3320.

3325. Electronics I. 3(3-0)

Solid state fundamentals.  Nonlinear devices and networks.  Fabrication of integrated circuits. Two-port models.  Prerequisites:  EEEN 2323 and PHYS 2326/PHYS 2126.

3331. Circuits and Electromagnetic Devices. 3(3-0)

General network analysis, steady-state AC/DC circuits.  Energy conversion and applications.  Prerequisite:  PHYS 2326/2126. 

3333. Linear Systems and Signals. 3(3-0)

Signal representation, sampling and quantization, Laplace and z-transforms, transfer functions and frequency response, convolution, stability, Fourier series, Fourier transforms and applications.  Prerequisite:  EEEN 3321.

3334. Random Signals. 3(3-0)

Probability, random variables, white noise and band-limited system, narrowband Gaussian process, pseudorandom signals and random signal response of linear systems.  Prerequisite:  MATH 2414.

3424. Principles and Applications of Engineering Electromagnetics. 4(3-3)

Vector analysis, electrostatics, steady magnetic fields.  Maxwell's equations, uniform plane waves, circuit concepts, propagation and radiation.  Prerequisites:  PHYS 2326/2126 and MATH 3320.

3449. Microprocessor Systems. 4(3-3)

Basic computer structure, the instruction set, addressing modes, assembly language programming, assembly language subroutines, arithmetic operations, programming in C, implementation of C procedures, elementary data structures, input and output and a survey of microprocessor design.  Prerequisites:  EEEN 2340.

4224. Electrical and Computer Engineering Projects Laboratory. [WI]  2(0-6)

Participation in engineering design activity.  Prerequisite: EEEN 4252.

4252. Advanced Laboratory 2(1-3)

Analysis and design of electrical, electronic and digital systems.  Prerequisites:  EEEN 3312, EEEN 3333, EEEN 3449 and communication elective.

4310. Introduction to VLSI Circuit Design. 3(3-0)

Introduction to design and fabrication of micro-electronic circuits via Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuitry; structured design methods for VLSI systems, use of computer-aided design (CAD) tools and design projects of small to medium scale integrated circuits.  Prerequisites:  EEEN 3325 and EEEN 2340.

4329. Communications Engineering. 3(3-0)

Transmission of information.  Probability, stochastic process and spectral analysis.  Sampling, quantization, decision theory, coding and decoding.  Digital communication system and secure communications.  Introduction to DSP.  Prerequisites:  EEEN 3333 and EEEN 3334.

4335. Special Problems. V:1-3

Individual solution of selected problems in electrical engineering conducted under direct supervision of a faculty member.  May be repeated for up to 6 hours.  Prerequisite:  consent of instructor.

4336. Selected Topics. V:1-3

One or more topics of electrical engineering.  May be repeated when topic changes.  Prerequisite:  consent of instructor.

Recent 4336 Topics Include

  • Antenna Analysis and Design
  • Electric Power Systems
  • Introduction to Nano Electronics
  • Microprocessor Interface
  • Microwave Engineering
  • Mixed Signal IC Testing & Measurement
  • Power Transmission and Alternative Energy
  • Robotics II (Robotics I fall under MEEN.  Students in Robotics generally take both courses.) 

4340. Power Electronics. 3(2-3)

Classical and modern design and analysis methods of power electronic circuits and the feedback control designs of power electronic converters and related laboratory experiments.  Topics include diode rectifiers, thyristor converters, DC-DC converters and associated controls, DC/AC inverters, power-factor correction and control, isolated switch-mode power supplies, applications of power electronic converters and related hardware and virtual laboratory experiments.  Prerequisite:  EEEN 3325 or consent of instructor.

4342. Electronics II. 3(3-0)

Analysis and design of analog electronic circuits; differential, multistage and power amplifiers; frequency response; feedback and stability.  Prerequisite:  EEEN 3325.

4343. Microprocessor-based Control Systems. 3(3-0)

Design of microprocessor-based real-time control systems.  Application of theoretical principles in electrical engineering to control small-scale systems, such as a mobile robot incorporating sensors, actuators and intelligence.  Controller design; signal conditioning and drive circuits for interfacing with various sensors and actuators; programming and programmable logic controllers.  Prerequisites:  EEEN 3333 and EEEN 3449.

4344. Computer Architecture and Design. 3(3-0)

Basic computer organization, data representation and arithmetic, instruction sets and addressing modes, assembly language, data path and control, memory, input and output and communication.  Prerequisites:  EEEN 3449 or CSEN 2330, EEEN 2340.

4354. Linear Control Systems. 3(2-3)

Analysis and design techniques for linear feedback control systems.  Controller functions and compensation, applications to serve and process control problems.  Prerequisite:  EEEN 3333.

4355. Digital Systems Engineering. 3(2-3)

Principles in digital system design and testing, digital integrated circuits, digital system design with PLDS and FPGAS, introduction to an HDL, memory, microprocessors and design for testability.  Prerequisites:  EEEN 3325 and EEEN 2340.

4357. Wireless Sensor Networks. 3(3-0)

Foundations of wireless sensor networks, localization, routing, optimization, security, energy-aware systems and algorithms, design/analysis and applications of wireless sensor networks.  Prerequisites:  completed General Education natural sciences requirement.

4360. Robotics II. 3(3-0)

Multidisciplinary development to robotics, combining concepts from electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer science.  Topics include sensing, communication, localization, planning and navigation.  Prerequisite:  MEEN 4355 or consent of instructor.

4362. Image Processing and Biometrics. 3(3-0)

Basic image processing: intensity transformations, spatial and frequency domain filters, image restoration and compression.  Biometric applications: fingerprint and facial recognition; biometric issues: privacy, legal concerns, testing and standards.  Prerequisite:  EEEN 3333 or consent of instructor.

4422. Electric Drives. 4(3-3)

Introduction to power electronic converters for motor drives and controls, single and three phase transformers, DC motors and generators, feedback control design of DC motor drives, PMAC drives, synchronous generators, induction motor drives, speed and vector control of induction motor drives.  Laboratory experiments to identify electric machine parameters and characteristics, and DC/AC motor drive controls, by designing and conducting experiments using digital computers.  Prerequisite:  EEEN 3321.