
Facilities, Planning, Construction, & Safety

Environmental Health & Safety Office

Hazardous Waste Procedures

Hazardous Waste Procedures

If you are a generator of hazardous waste, you are required to comply with stringent state and federal environmental regulations. The Environmental Health and Safety Office has provided an On-Line version of the University's Hazardous Waste Manual. And as a waste generator, you will be required to fill out a Hazardous Waste Log.  All information highlighted on the log must be filled in and the form must be typed.

The EHS Office will not pickup containers with improper caps, leaks, excessive outside contamination, improper labeling, or improperly logged or unlogged containers. Identification numbers, or Tag #'s, are created by the individual waste generators themselves. The ID will consist of a location tag followed by a double digit for the year, a double digit for the month, and the bottle number.

Example: Waste from the Chemistry Department that is logged for disposal May, 2011 will have “CHEM 1105 – 01” for the first bottle “CHEM 1105 – 02” for the second and so forth.

View a copy of the Hazardous Waste Manual here

Generators of hazardous waste are required to maintain a copy of this manual within the work area. Please contact the Environmental Health and Safety Office at extension 2646 if you need any assistance.

Satellite Accumulation Areas

Federal regulations (40 CFR 262.34(c)(1)) allow a generator to accumulate as much as 55 gallons of non-acute hazardous waste or one quart of acutely hazardous waste (P listed) in containers at or near any point of generation.  Satellite Accumulation Areas are located at:

View Satellite Accumulation Area Map



1. The area should be labeled as “Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Area”
2. The storage area must be under the control of the waste generator operator.
The waste must be placed in containers that are in good condition.
4. The waste must be compatible with the containers.
5. The containers must be closed except during adding or removing of waste.
6. The accumulation area MUST be at or near any point of waste generation.
7. If hazardous waste is moved from the Satellite Accumulation Area, the material must be dated at the time of the move and a time limit becomes effective.


1. The containers must be marked with the words "Hazardous Waste."
2. Mark through the old label or remove it to ensure there is no confusion about the container contents.
3. Each container must be labeled with the full name of the chemical components with a percentage equaling 100%.
4. Do not use abbreviations or chemical notation.
5. List a “filled date” on the container once it is filled

Important Note: Any accumulation of hazardous waste at a satellite area in excess of 55 gallons, or one quart of any acutely hazardous waste (P listed) must be marked with the date the excess amount began accumulating and must be moved to a hazardous waste storage facility outside of the lab within three days. While at the storage facility a weekly inspection log must be kept and you have 180 days from the date it was moved to the storage facility to ship the waste off campus.

  • Designate a single location for the storage of hazardous waste.
  • Find a location accessible but out of the way of normal lab traffic
  • Secondary containers are highly recommended (trays, buckets, etc.)