
Campus Operations

Environmental, Health, Fire & Life Safety

Laboratory Safety

The EHS Office has prepared Laboratory Safety Guidelines which are to be followed while conducting laboratory operations involving hazardous materials.

This manual will be updated frequently, so please review this page often for the latest changes.

View and Print Chemical Hygiene Plan

Lab Supervisors should inspect their own labs on a monthly basis using this Checklist  and the EHS Office will inspect campus labs as required utilizing a risk based assessment.

Click Here for a copy of the Hazardous Waste Log

Laboratory Safety Requirements

All students enrolled in courses with an associated laboratory are required to complete the online Laboratory Safety video series each Academic Year.  Students must access the online Laboratory Safety training through Blackboard .

Standard Operating Procedures

Safety Data Sheets

SDS are an important part of Laboratory Safety. They are information resources that describe the hazards and safe procedures that correspond to each individual chemical or substance. Knowing the risks before working in the labs can help keep a safe working environment for everyone.

SDS's can be found in each individual laboratory or for a searchable database of SDS's listings online, you can either go to