Camps and Youth Outreach Programs
Welcome to 91AV Camps and Youth Outreach Programs website. If you are interested in hosting a camp or youth outreach program at TAMUK, this website will help you get started. By reviewing this website, you will have the opportunity to check on the different camps /youth outreach programs the various university departments offer throughout the summer.
The university rule for the administration of camps and youth outreach programs, 24.01.06.K1 Camps and Programs for Minors, can be found here.
Please make sure that you follow all the guidelines and that you complete the appropriate forms for your specific camp. It is of the utmost importance that Background Checks for camp employees are conducted and the Planning & Risk Assessment Form is completed. The purchase of insurance coverage for your camp/activity is another important requirement.
In order to assure that you have completed all of the appropriate forms, make sure that you utilize the Checklist to Conduct a Camp or Youth Outreach Program form as a guide. Once you have everything checked off, you are on your way to having satisfied all requirements.
Good luck!