Graduate Faculty Membership
The Adjunct Graduate Faculty Membership Form is now completed through DocuSign. Click on the link above to be taken to the form. The form will first ask for the Applicant Name and email then the Department Chair Name and email. The Department Chair will add the letter of support, and the Curriculum Vitae for the applicant. It will route to them to complete their designated roles in the form.
All graduate faculty categories must have demonstration of commitment to the academic community, institution, discipline, and students. In addition, they must possess a high level of competence in teaching.
At the doctoral level in particular, the faculty must demonstrate research capability and competence in directing
independent investigation. Qualifications and responsibilities not found in membership categories at lower levels
are marked with an asterisk (*).
If you have any questions please call Graduate Studies at 361-593-2809.
- Graduate Faculty
- Must be a 91AV faculty member. (Tenured/tenure track, clinical, professor of practice or research scientist)
- An earned doctorate in the discipline or a closely related discipline to supervise doctoral students.
- Faculty must meet SACSCOC requirements to teach the specified courses.
- Tangible evidence of continued productive scholarship, as normally defined within the discipline concerned.
- Recommendation to the Graduate Council via the Graduate Dean by the Departmental Chair or Dean of the program. Chair or Dean may consult with members of the graduate faculty within the department. College deans will make the recommendation where a departmental chair does not exist.
- On hire. A tenure/tenure track, clinical or professors of practice faculty would be approved for graduate faculty status if the department deems their scholarship appropriate to teach graduate courses and mentor graduate students. This would be provided by the department chair to Graduate Studies.
- If a faculty member successfully completes their 5-year tenure/promotion or post-tenure review process they would be renewed for graduate status, provided the department and the college view their scholarship is appropriate to continue to teach graduate level courses and mentor graduate students. The department chair will forward the faculty names each spring.
- Research Scientists must be approved by the Graduate Council. This requires a recommendation from the Department Chair or College Dean. The recommendation from the chair or dean must state how the research scientist will be involved in the graduate program. The Department must re-nominate research scientists every 6 years.
- Post-doctoral employees must be approved by the graduate council. They require recommendations from the Department Chair or college Dean. They cannot chair graduate committees. The Department must re-nominate post-doctoral employees every 6 years.
- Adjunct Graduate Faculty (This category is for persons not on the TAMUK faculty; and other special circumstances)
- Adjunct membership status will be granted subject to the same rules specified for membership levels above. Limitations on responsibilities an adjunct member may obtain are described in Section B.11.2.
- Actual involvement in the departmental graduate program either in teaching 5000- or 6000-level courses or serving on graduate student committees. Must hold a terminal degree or the equivalent to co-chair a graduate student committee.
- Recommendation to the Graduate Council via the Graduate Dean by the Department Chair or College Dean. Chair or Dean may consult with members of the graduate faculty within the department. College Deans will make this recommendation where departmental chairs do not exist. The recommendation from the chair or dean must state how the adjunct member will be involved in the graduate program.
- Appointment to adjunct membership on the graduate faculty is for a term of five years and will be subject to re-evaluation at the end of the term. This membership must be approved by the Graduate Council.
- Removal from Graduate Faculty
- If scholarship/research misconduct concerns are raised about an individual on the graduate faculty, the Graduate Council will evaluate the graduate faculty status on an individual basis. The following graduate faculty review process will be used. The process consists of a review by a graduate council committee, which provides a recommendation to the full graduate council. Then the full graduate council votes to approve or not approve the individual as a graduate faculty member.
A. Graduate Faculty
- * Eligible to direct doctoral dissertations, masters’ theses, and other graduate research.
- Eligible to teach graduate-level courses, including doctoral.
- Eligible to serve on graduate student committees, including doctoral.
- Eligible to serve as Graduate Coordinators.
- Eligible for membership on the Graduate Council, and in that position to help set policies for the Graduate College.
- Eligible for membership on standing and special committees of the Graduate Council.
- Eligible to vote in Council elections.
- Eligible to serve as an officer (chairman, etc.) of the Graduate Council.
- Eligible to chair standing committees of the Graduate Council.
D. Adjunct Members
- * Eligible to co-chair master-level or doctoral-level student committees, according to the adjunct level; ineligible to chair such committees.
- Eligible to teach master-level or doctoral-level courses, according to the adjunct level.
- * Eligible to serve on master-level or doctoral-level student committees, according to the adjunct level.
- Faculty are nominated for inclusion on the graduate faculty by department chairpersons, department committees or by college deans where departmental chairs do not exist, according to established criteria of the Graduate Council.
- The nomination must have evidence of continuing productive scholarship as defined in the pertinent discipline.
- For external members, evidence of recent involvement in the program and a statement of type of involvement anticipated in the program must be provided.
- Nominations are received by the Graduate Dean and kept on file. The Graduate Dean will annually report to the Graduate Council the current membership in each category.
- The membership committee will act to evaluate nominations which have been questioned. The membership committee will report their recommendations to the Graduate Council.
- The executive committee of the Graduate Council will hear complaints from faculty who feel they were not treated fairly in matters of graduate appointment.
- Graduate Faculty and Adjunct members are nominated for terms of five years. Members may be renominated for the same category, if they qualify.
Effective January 1, 2022
- Those currently on the graduate faculty with indefinite appointments should be reviewed and renominated over a five year period.
- The responsibility for keeping those records and notifying department chairpersons or college deans of those faculty members up for periodic review, or renomination, will be that of the Graduate Dean.
Please submit evidence of activities in the following
- Publications
- Technical journals
- Popular articles
- Newspaper articles
- Bulletins, reports, summaries
- Books, manuals, monographs
- Music
- Recitals or professional performances during past three years.
- Art Exhibits.
- Slide shows, movies, tapes.
- Papers presented at professional meetings during the past three years.
- Other presentations such as to civic organizations, etc.
- Membership in professional organizations.
- Membership in honorary organizations.
- Professional certifications.
- Research currently underway.
- Number of graduate courses taught during the past two years. Give course number and semester taught.
- Number of graduate student committee memberships during each of the past three years.
- Number of graduate student committees served (giving graduate students’ names and the semesters involved) during the past three years.
- Offices held in professional organizations and year.
- Committee membership in professional organizations.
- Consultancies.
- Number of theses or dissertations advised to completion in last three years. Give students’ names and the years of completion.
- Number of graduate research projects advised to completion in last three years giving each student’s name and year.
- Other evidence of continuing professional involvement such as editorial boards, directorships, advisory committees, etc.