

Student Engagement and Campus Life

Advisor Resources

What is an Advisor?

 A faculty/staff advisor can be an excellent form of support. Without reciprocal support from those being advised, however, nothing will be accomplished. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the significance of an advisor to the members of a chapter. Together, the advisor and the chapter members must strive to gain a better understanding of the relationship that exists between the chapter and the institution. It is also important to realize that having a committed faculty/staff advisor can make a significant positive impact in all areas of chapter operation, not scholarship alone.

Advising Philosophy

The goal of Fraternity and Sorority advisors is to assist in the development of students involved in the organization. Advisors encourage and motivate members to take advantage of various opportunities that are available to them at TAMUK and to share these learning’s with their fellow members. Recognizing that fraternities and sororities are excellent opportunities for student learning and community governance, advisors can focus on learning outcomes as well as task completion. Through advisor involvement, guidance, appropriate intervention and questions, students will be able to make meaning of their experiences, develop their leadership potential, and learn to work effectively as contributing members of a community.

-       Adapted from Supervisor’s Journal, PaperClip Communications.

Advisor’s Role

The role of the advisor is to serve as a primary resource for the fraternity / sorority groups with which the advisor is associated.

We expect advisors to:

  • Advise (i.e., provide counsel) organization leadership on issues such as membership development, financial matters, and service opportunities.
  • Work with organization leadership to develop semester and year goals.
  • Attend organization and executive board meetings.
  • Attend high profile organization events such as mixers, banquets, or philanthropy events sponsored by the organization.
  • Use Coordinator of Greek Life as a resource.
  • Serve as a resource for all chapter officers.
  • Have an understanding of TAMUK and Fraternity and Sorority Life Policies.
  • Participate in monthly advisor meetings and/or communicate with Coordinator of Greek Life frequently.
  • Continually help the chapter become as self-sufficient and accountable as possible.

Advisor’s Impact

The impact of being an advisor goes far beyond the success of the organization. Advisors touch and impact the lives of those with whom they work. You will be making a major commitment to the members of the organization and their health and safety. This is not an easy job, but it is definitely very rewarding. All FSL organizations are required to have a chapter advisor to remain in good standing. The nature and style of that role is left to the determination of the organization and its advisor. The role of the chapter advisor is to guide, advise, support, and monitor the progress of their chapter. We believe chapters excel with the help of their advisor. 


  • Serve as a positive role model
  • Instill a desire to excel academically
  • Develop future leaders
  • Prepare students for a global community
  • Improve the reputations of the organizations they are affiliated with
  • Make healthy choices about day-to-day life

Advisors have:

  • A desire to help students
  • Enthusiasm
  • Listening Skills
  • The ability to motivate
  • A sense of humor
  • Open communication
  • Time to commit to the chapter and members


Academic Advisor

How to recruit an Academic Advisor

Ask each member to nominate his/her choice for an academic advisor. Invite these academic members to lunch, dinner, or a program to introduce them to the chapter. Provide nominees with a list of the things your chapter is currently doing in regards to scholarship and what contributions the academic advisor will have. Ask nominee to be chapter’s academic advisor and explain to them the role what is expected from them as an academic advisor.

Ways the Academic Advisor Can Become Involved with the Chapter

Working directly with Freshmen:

  • Help students understand and complete academic requirements
  • Provide information about study skills, test-taking, note-taking workshops

Working directly with Sophomores:

  • Help students declare a major
  • Help students understand the limited enrollment programs

Working directly with Juniors:

  • Help students explore study abroad opportunities
  • Help student explore internship opportunities

Working directly with Seniors:

  • Help students with resume writing
  • Help students with graduate school applications

Suggestions for Academic Advisors for Dealing with Poor Academic Performance

  • Meet monthly with each individual who achieved a grade point average between 2.5 – 3.0 the previous semester
  • Meet every two weeks with each individual who achieved a grade point average between 2.0 – 2.5 the previous semester
  • Meet every week with each individual who achieved a grade point average below a 2.0 the previous semester
  • Meet with the new member class during the new member education period to discuss good study habits and the importance of academic achievements
  • Help organize a scholarship ceremony each semester
  • Help organize weekly study hours for members