

Student Engagement and Campus Life

Pillars of Fraternity & Sorority Life

All fraternal organizations are based on specific ideals and beliefs that are significant to membership and help set each organization apart from one another. At the same time there are four areas or “pillars” of Fraternity & Sorority Life that are universally embraced by all fraternal organizations.

The four Pillars of Fraternity & Sorority Life are:

Scholarship – Service – Leadership – Friendship

Many of the programs, events, and actions of our organizations fall under one or more of these pillars and our chapters strive to maintain a balance between all four.


Fraternities and Sororities at TAMUK are committed to excellence in academic pursuits. Historically, Greek-letter organizations were founded on the principle of academic success and friendship. Today, TAMUK fraternities and sororities continue to promote scholarship by providing many options for their members. Tutoring, academic advisors, study buddies, scholarships, and awards are just a few opportunities available through a fraternity or sorority.


At TAMUK each fraternity and sorority prides themselves on their service to the campus and the Kingsville community. Each fraternity or sorority has philanthropic organizations they work closely with each year. Greek students promote service events on campus and often are highly involved with service projects on campus. They do this through their time and fundraising to help others.  For the 2014 academic year, TAMUK fraternities and sororities donated their time to over 40 community service activities and over $10,000 raised for philanthropic groups. 


A University is the ideal place for you to develop your leadership potential. Joining a fraternity or sorority provides individuals with numerous opportunities to demonstrate leadership. Whether it is as an officer or committee member, valuable experience will be gained, experience that will be used in future endeavors.

Fraternity and Sorority Life has developed a number of leadership programs to help fraternity and sorority members develop their leadership skills. These programs include the:

  • Greek Leadership Summit
  • Greek Emerging Leaders
  • Order of Omega

In addition, each fraternity and sorority attending leadership programs and conferences at the local, regional, and national level which also provide an opportunity for members to sharpen their leadership skills.


A very important, and often unspoken, aspect of being Greek is the sisterhood and brotherhood that is shared. The bonds that are shared between members of Greek organizations are what set them apart from non-Greeks. It is more than friendship. It is the understanding that each member has taken a vow to uphold the foundations and values of the organizations. Being a member of a sorority or fraternity is like having a second family.