Housing FAQ
There is no deadline to apply to live on campus. Students new to the halls are assigned on a first-come, first serve basis. Some halls will fill up early and the students will then be assigned to their second or third hall choice, depending on the date their agreement is completed. Students should apply for housing by completing these 4 steps:
- Students must be accepted for admission to the University.
- Submit a copy of bacterial meningitis vaccination as mandatory law to the Office of Student Health and Wellness through Med Proctor. This should be done as soon as possible. We do not recommend waiting until orientation to bring this important document. /meningitis/
- Complete an online academic year housing agreement which includes info about specific hall and roommate preferences, if any.
- Place a $150.00 room reservation and damage deposit through MoneyConnect located in the student’s Blue & Gold student account. The deposit is a non-billable item (it is refundable to you if you do not cause damage and are within the terms of your housing agreement).
Students who are single and are under 20 years of age on September 1 of the respective fall semester or on January 18 of the respective spring semester, or have less than 30 hours (dual enrollment hours are not counted) are required to reside on campus unless living at home with parent or guardian, or if granted an exception by the university.
Exceptions may include but are not limited to military status, or being a parent of young children. Each request will be considered individually.
To be considered for an exception, students must complete and submit a Residence Life Housing Exception Request to the Housing Office. /housing/undergrad.html
Steps to request a waiver:
1. Obtain and Complete the Housing Exception Request form from found here.
2. Requests for housing exceptions should be submitted prior to July 1st for the Fall semester and December 1st for the Spring semester. All requests will be reviewed by Housing within 10 business days from their receipt. At the student's discretion, requests that have been denied may be appealed through University Housing & Residence Life. Appeals are then sent to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs / Dean of Students.
3. Until an email notice is received confirming an exception from the requirement, students who request exceptions to the policy should not make arrangements to reside off-campus.
Students are welcome to request a specific person otherwise they will be paired with someone else. It is important that they provide the information requested in the contract as that information assists us in making a roommate selection. Students who have a specific roommate in mind should do the following:
- Write the complete name and Student K number of the person (to avoid confusion with similar names) on each other's contract.
- Send in their housing contracts at the same time or as close together as possible.
- Students who apply later may not get their roommate selection because as the halls fill, we will be assigning students applying late to spaces that are available.