
University Housing and Residence Life


Section 7.1: CA Programming

Residence Hall Programming
The Meaning behind the Madness


Research indicates that resident students spend approximately 70% of their time in their residence hall, while only 15% of their time in classroom related activities. It is, therefore, important that the residence halls contribute to the total educational development of students.  Further, it has been shown that living in residence halls/apartments that have an educationally relevant thrust improves academic performance, student satisfaction with college and student retention rates. 

As a Community Advisor, you have the opportunity to play an important role in shaping the environment in the residence halls by serving as a catalyst for spontaneous activities and as an initiator of planned programs.  Theories of learning teach us that people learn in response to change.  Therefore, by changing the environment and offering a variety of activities, you can stimulate growth and development and set the foundation for immeasurable life-long skills for your residents.


Hopefully, no one begins a given task without a clear direction.  Listed below are the guidelines that serve our residence hall programming in clarification and purpose:

  • To promote programs and activities that fulfill the educational needs of students and provide a climate that is conducive to community development.

  • To provide adequate social and recreational opportunities for our residents.

  • To provide programs that will meet the developmental needs of students.

  • To help develop new skills and enhance creativity.

  • To provide ways for students to find out more about themselves.