
Marketing and Communications

Web Services

What is the Cascade Server?

The Cascade Server is a Content Management System (CMS) that allows a WYSIWYG editor style of entering content into pre-designed templates. Using a CMS breaks down a once complicated process to a few simple steps, allowing web sites to publish new content with ease.

A CMS eliminates the need for departmental web masters skilled in Internet scripting languages and relies instead on content contributors for maintaining a website. When content management is placed directly in the hands of people who have detailed knowledge of their areas it makes for a better website.

Content Contribution

Content contributors can only make changes on web pages to banners, the main body of content on a page, a pages footer, and the left side navigation within an area that they are permitted to edit.

The overall website page design is based off of static templates.

All academic and unit support areas are required to conform to these templates.


Formatting and graphics used in the main content areas must conform to university style guides imposed by the web sites' content management system and provided in the Office of Marketing and Communications Graphic Standards Guide. Please see the following page.

Graphic Standards Guide

I want to manage my office or department's website?

All university websites can not deviate from the allow design templates and the Cascade Server is the only approved CMS for updating information, links and photos on the TAMUK website. CMS access is only available on campus to university employees and student workers under the direct supervision of university staff or faculty. The Cascade Server can not be accessed outside of the campus network.

CMS Access

Not every employee is granted access to the Cascade Server. Contact the main office of your college if you would like to become a content contributor.

Student Organizations looking for hosting please visit the Office of Student Activities.

CMS Account User (content manager) Termination

  • It is the responsibility of a content contributors supervisor to immediately inform the Office of Marketing and Communications to remove access and or permissions for that user.
  • If the Office of Marketing and Communications receives notification from HR of an employee's termination with the university that individual will have their access to the CMS terminated immediately.

Guest Accounts

CMS users must be employed with 91AV. Guest accounts are not allowed.

Cascade Users Guide