
Office of Research and Innovation


Frequently Asked Questions for Proposal Applications

The following FAQs are provided to address commonly answered questions from researchers.

If you cannot find the answers to your questions here, please e-mail us at osr@tamuk.edu

Proposal Frequently Asked Questions
Institution Name 91AV
Performance Location (Main Campus) 700 University Blvd., Kingsville, TX 78363-8202
Performance Location (Citrus Center) 312 N. International Blvd., Weslaco, TX 78599-9027
Congressional District TX-034
Organization Type 4-year, Non-Profit Institution of Higher Education
Data Universal Numbering Systems (DUNS) 868154089
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) SQ6VAWQ7YSZ4
Employer Identification Number (EIN/Tax ID) 74-6001530
Commercial and Government Entity (Cage) 1SQR7
Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) 4890515 (USDA applications only)
PHS Human Subjects Assurance Number FWA00001427
PHS Animal Assurance Number D16-00265 (A3424-01)
FICE Code 003639
System for Award Management (sam.gov) Expiration Date: 02/21/2025
Cognizant Federal Agency Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS); Olulola Oluborode, DHHS Representative; (214) 767-3261
Date of Indirect Cost Rate Agreement May 22, 2024; Indirect Cost Rates Agreement
Indirect Cost Rates On-Campus: 40% (MTDC base); Off-Campus: 12% (MTDC base)
Non-Land Grant College of Agriculture TAMUK is designated as a NLGCA (View Letter)
Fringe Benefit Rates Current rates for FY 2025 (changes annually)
Tax Exempt Status Letter Current IRS tax exempt letter
Audit Letter Current audit letter for FY 2024
Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR)

Jose F. Espiritu, Vice President for Research and Innovation

Diana P. Luna, Director, Contracts & Grants

Office of Research and Innovation


700 University Blvd., MSC 201

Kingsville, TX 78363-8202


Phone: (361) 593-3344

Fax: (361) 593-3412

E-mail: osr@tamuk.edu

Most proposals, especially to federal agencies, require ORI involvement and approval, and you should contact your Proposal Administrator as early as possible.

The Pre-Award team at ORI will help develop your budget and guide you through the submission process as well as check to ensure that your proposal complies with sponsor guidelines and any other relevant policies and regulations. Many sponsors also require that an Authorized Organizational Representative (or Signing Official) to submit your proposal.

Even if the sponsor allows the Principal Investigator (PI) to submit the proposal, if funding will come through the University, ORI is required to review the full proposal prior to submission. Submitting without ORI assistance can result in detrimental budget errors and delays in processing your award.

A collaborative proposal is one in which researchers from two or more institutions wish to collaborate on a unified research project. If TAMUK is the lead institution, our office will require the following subaward information from the collaborative institution:
  • TAMUK Subrecipient Form - required if your institution is not a participating organization in the
  • - required if your organization is a participating member of the FDP Clearinghouse. LOI must be on your institutional letterhead.
  • Scope of Work (SOW)
  • Budget and Budget Justification
  • Letter of Commitment signed by their AOR
  • Any Other Supplementary Documents listed in the solicitation of the Funding Opportunity
It is important to obtain the subaward's grant contact person, so one of our Proposal Development Team members at ORI can contact them ahead of time and request our required forms, prior to submission.

Financial Accounting & Reporting and Payroll Services


700 University Blvd., MSC 104

Kingsville, TX 78363-8202


E-mail: reporting@tamuk.edu