
Research Compliance

Office of Research and Graduate Studies

Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)

The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) reviews all research involving the following and must be approved prior to initiation. Updated versions of all forms must be used, or your forms will be returned to you.

  • Recombinant DNA
  • Infectious agents
  • Biotoxins or select agents
  • Human tissue, blood, or body fluids
  • Animal use that may result in exposure to infectious agents





IBC protocols are used when a TAMUK PI is using biohazardous materials in their work at TAMUK facilities.  

If you are working with the following, please submit an IBC protocol prior to commencing use:

  • Biological agents (bacteria, rickettsia, fungi, viruses, protozoa, parasites and prions) that may cause disease in humans, animals, or plants;
  • Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules as defined in the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules (NIH Guidelines)
  • Human and non-human primate blood, tissue, cells and cell lines;
  • Toxins of biological origin as defined in the Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) document;
  • Transgenic plants and animals or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that lack federal approval for release.
  • Human cancer cell lines
  • Blood samples from humans
  • Samples from municipal waste treatment plant
  • Transgenic corn not approved for release
  • Transgenic fruit flies
  • E. coli or other bacteria included in gene cloning kits
  • Infectious agents isolated from plants or animals in nature.

If you are not certain if your materials and agents require and IBC protocol, please contact Research Compliance and we can assist you with that determination.  

TAMUK Faculty and Staff can serve as PIs on IBC protocols.  

Students at all levels, undergraduate, graduate, and Ph.D. candidate require a Supervising Faculty Mentor to oversee IBC projects.  This faculty mentor signs off on the protocol as acceptable and certifies they will be the responsible party to the student as needed with the research design and proper execution of the protocol. 

  1. See the section for IBC Forms & Resources below, download the IBC Protocol application, fill it in to describe the purpose of your study, the methods to be followed, and include supplementary information about materials and agents.
  2. Be sure to check your list of materials and agents, be ready to explain their Risk Group determination, and the appropriate sections fo the NIH Guidelines that pertain to your project.    
  3. Complete the required CITI training, and email your application, along with your CITI certificates, your data collection instrument, consent template documents, and any recruitment materials to researchcompliance@tamuk.edu.
  4. If you are working at the BL2 level, additional BL2 training is required for all personnel working on the protocol, in the BL2 lab.  See the section for training information, below.
  5. IBC protocols require Occupational Health Program enrollment - Please see Enterprise Risk Management's OHP page
  6. Research Compliance will screen your application and if it's complete, and when the next meeting is scheduled.   If you fail to get receipt confirmation from Research Compliance within (3) three business days, call 361-593-2677 / 361-593-4764 to ask if your IBC protocol was received.
  7. All IBC protocols are initially reviewed at a convened meeting.  
  8. PIs are welcome to attend the meeting and will be asked to leave during the final deliberation and vote. 
  9. Research Compliance will notify the PI of the IBC's decision
    • approve outright, or
    • approve with minor stipulated revisions via the IBC chair or a designated member as Acting Chair, or
    • table for major revisions to be seen at the next convened meeting
  10. If there are stipulations for either the Chair to review and approve or for review at the next IBC meeting, Research Compliance and the IBC Chair will prepare the stipulations and send them to the PI so revisions can be made and brought back for the appropriate review.  Once it's determined all comments and revisions are stated to be complete by the Chair or designated IBC member as Acting Chair, a Notice to Proceed email will be sent to you while the final approval letter is being drafted. You may begin once you receive the Notice to Proceed.  
  11. Notify Research Compliance of any changes you make to your protocol during the life of your project. IACUC Amendments are required before changes can be enacted.

NOTE - For time-dependent studies (projects for graduating students, faculty on grants), please contact Research Compliance as soon as you send your IACUC, to allow us to assist in meeting your deadlines.

Overall, IACUC review and approval can take a few days to a few months, based on the meeting date and the speed of revisions returned.

The TAMUK IBC holds convened meetings on the third Thursday of each month.  Quorum is required for the IBC to officially review and vote on protocol actions, so be aware the meeting dates may change based on holidays, campus closures, and over events to allow members to attend.  

If you have a time-sensitive IBC Protocol due to class requirements, graduation plans, or grant submission, please call Research Compliance to verify meetings dates and times, and we will work with the IBC Chair and Members to see how best to assist.

Instructions for CITI Training for Investigators, Staff, and Students:

Please log onto the CITI website by clicking on the link below.

New CITI members:

  1. Please register as a new user.
  2. CITI will ask you for a User ID and Password.
  3. Then you will be asked to affiliate with an institution.
  4. Go to U.S. Institutions and pick “91AV;M Kingsville” from the drop down list.
  5. On the next page, you will be prompted to fill in your personal information.
  6. Be sure to enter your Full Legal Name as Research Compliance will see it on the IBC protocol, so that we may recognize you when checking training (no nicknames, please).

Current CITI members / Following New CITI member registration:

  1. Click on Add a Course or Update Learner Group.
  2. You will be launched into a menu asking you to select a Course.
  3. Select Biosafety/Biosecurity and click next.
  4. Select Basic Biosafety Training and click next.
  5. The main page will appear giving you the class option: Training for Investigators, Staff and Students Handling Biohazards
  6. Enter the course and complete The Integrity Assurance Statement before beginning the course.

Go through the Course(s) and take all the quizzes and when you are finished, you will be able to save or print your completion report.

If you need to take any other courses, just select the Add a Course or Update Your Learner Groups and it will send you back to the curriculum menu to take more courses.

Instructions for CITI Training for Committee Members:

Please log onto the CITI website by clicking on the link below.

New CITI members:

  1. Please register as a new user.
  2. CITI will ask you for a User ID and Password.
  3. Then you will be asked to affiliate with an institution.
  4. Go to U.S. Institutions and pick “91AV;M Kingsville” from the drop down list.
  5. On the next page, you will be prompted to fill in your personal information.
  6. Be sure to enter your Full Legal Name as Research Compliance will see it on the IBC protocol, so that we may recognize you when checking training (no nicknames, please).

Current CITI members / Following New CITI member registration:

  1. Click on Add a Course or Update Learner Group.
  2. You will be launched into a menu asking you to select a Course.
  3. Select Biosafety/Biosecurity and click next.
  4. Select Institutional Biosafety Committee Member and click next.
  5. The main page will appear giving you the class option: Institutional Biosafety Committee Member
  6. Enter the course and complete The Integrity Assurance Statement before beginning the course.

Go through the Course(s) and take all the quizzes and when you are finished, you will be able to save or print your completion report.

If you need take any other courses, just select the Add a Course or Update Your Learner Groups and it will send you back to the curriculum menu to take more courses.

  1. Visit:
  2. It will open up the TAMU Division of Research BSL-2 Training Information webpage. There you will find a link with a course number 211486 that will lead you to SSO- log in take you to the course(s).
  3. Use your 9-digit# UIN and password to log in. Students who do not have a UIN, please call 361-593-2677 or email researchcompliance@tamuk.edu and we will see how to get you on the roster and your training logged.
  4. Please provide any SSO completion notices to Research Compliance to file with your protocols, and keep a copy in your lab manuals.

If you have something to report regarding lab safety, contact one or all of the following:

  • The number listed on the lab door for emergencies or safety concerns
  • Research Compliance at 361-593-2677 / 361-593-4764