Pathways Academic Assistance Center(Tutoring Center)
Looking for additional support in your courses?
Come visit us in Jernigan Library, room 220
The PAAC will be offering FREE In person & online tutoring upon appointment request.
On the JNET log in page, type in your credentials
You will use the appointment search module(s) to find an appointment. It's only 5 easy steps!
Step 1: navigate to the search module relevant to your needs.
NOTE: All students will have a search widget labeled "Search for an Appointment."
Step 2: Select your course and the reason TUTORING, then click "Search."
Step 3: From the search results, select the day and time that works best for you.
A few tips:
- Review the PAAC Tutoring Schedule at /studentsuccess/PAAC/index.html to view when tutors are scheduled
- The search results are color coded: yellow represents 'group' sessions, green represents 'one-on-one' sessions, and blue represents 'drop-in' times.
- Click the breadcrumb button [...] on the top-right of your results to narrow to certain days, locations, types, etc.
- Only available appointment times show up in your results-- however, if you walk away from your search results for more than a few minutes, be sure to refresh before booking!
- If you accidentally schedule an appointment, be sure you cancel it so that it will be available to others.
If NONE of the times listed work for you, or you don't get any search results, click the "Unable to find an appointment" button at the bottom of the search results screen. A staff member will get back with you, usually within 1 day.
Step 4: Review the appointment details.
If desired and available, you may be able to select a checkbox to make the appointment weekly recurring, online or in-person, or change the duration.
NOTE: Each center and/or staff person may have different options, so view the appointment details carefully to make sure you're scheduling the appointment you want!
Step 5: Click "Save" to book the appointment.
TracCloud will then email you with all the session details (and a calendar invite to quickly and easily add it to your phone or Outlook calendar).