
Student Success

Academic Success

PAAC Policies for Students

What is peer tutoring? Peer tutoring is a reciprocal process which enhances knowledge through guided reinforcement.

In keeping with this philosophy, PAAC tutors do not give answers or do your homework or other graded assignments for you. We are not able to offer last-minute help for students who have not read their texts, kept current with the course material, or have not put forth a genuine effort of their own. We will work with you to solve difficult problems or to understand difficult concepts assuming you have made an attempt to do so on your own prior to your visit.

I. We anticipate students to prepare by:

  • Going to class, listening attentively, taking notes and asking questions to clarify misunderstandings. If you missed a class you are responsible for getting notes or reviewing the material before coming in.
  • Reviewing notes, practicing problems and reading their textbooks.
  • Attempting problems on their own before seeking help.
  • Prepare several specific questions regarding their course material.
  • Knowing what they want help with and what they want to accomplish.
  • Making a genuine effort to do the work prior to coming to The Tutoring Center.
  • Bring their pencil or pen, paper, textbook, notebook, current assignment, and any necessary notes or previous work.

II. Students who use the PAAC support should expect tutors to:

  • Listen attentively and carefully.
  • Help them identify difficulties they are having and develop strategies for addressing them.
  • Help them identify and use the strengths they have to master difficult material.
  • Help them work toward a genuine ability to solve problems and arrive at correct answers on their own.
  • Give them time to work independently during the session.
  • Help them learn successful study strategies
  • Refuse to assist unprepared students and ask that they review specific material before returning.

III. Students who use the PAAC support should know that:

  • Another tutor may have to take over if the current tutor's shift is over or is taking a break.
  • Other tutors in the tutorial rooms may be waiting and available for other students in other subjects, and this does not mean that the tutors are refusing to help.
  • Tutors may rotate among several other students when the center is busy.
  • Students may be asked to work in groups if they are working on similar material.
  • Tutors do not have all the answers, as they are also students and not professors. Keep in mind that your professors are available to help you during their office hours.

IV. Appropriate behaviors are:

  • Coming to the PAAC ready to work.
  • Participating actively in the tutoring session by listening attentively and carefully, responding and doing practice sets, reflecting and asking specific questions to enhance your understanding.
  • Having patience for the tutoring process.
  • Treating all tutors and other students with respect and civility.
  • Not distracting or disturbing others.
  • Not eating food or talking on cell phones,

Pathways Academic Assistance Center’s Student Conduct Expectations

91AV students who receive tutoring or Supplemental Instruction services from the Pathways Academic Assistance Center (PAAC) are expected to assume individual responsibility for maintaining a productive learning environment and conduct themselves with the highest regard for respect and consideration of others.  Ongoing behaviors or single behaviors considered distracting can be addressed by the PAAC Director initially either generally or individually as part of the Director’s PAAC management efforts.  Cases in which such distracting behavior becomes excessive and the student refuses to respond to the director’s efforts can be referred to the Dean of Students. 

In the case of serious disruptive behavior at the PAAC, the PAAC Director will first request compliance from the student and if the student fails to comply, the PAAC Director has the authority to ask the student to leave the PAAC area and refuse any further PAAC services.  The student is expected to comply with this request to leave the PAAC area and may subsequently contest this action using procedures established by the department.  If the student fails to leave after being directed to do so, assistance may be obtained from other university personnel including the University Police Department.  The incident shall be handled as an academic misconduct matter using established departmental procedures for academic misconduct to determine if the student should be allowed to return to the PAAC. 

Musts for an Effective Tutoring Session

Our motto is “We’re here to help!” Our tutors are most effective when:

  • Students are committed to learning and know they are responsible for how they learn.
  • Students come to the Center after having made a genuine effort to understand the material on their own. A genuine effort would include having read relevant chapters and attempted homework or practice problems.
  • Students bring clear and complete notes from class to their tutoring sessions. Tutors require an accurate record of the professor’s teaching methods and the information covered in class in order to help students learn and understand.
  • Students bring their course text or other materials to the session. Tutors can’t effectively address students’ difficulties unless they have access to the textbook.

Students are willing to work independently from the tutoring during their sessions. Tutors are trained to allow students time to try problems on their own. 

How to get the most out of a tutoring session:

Start right away. Students who begin tutoring from the beginning of the semester typically do better than those who wait.

Come prepared. Please bring your class notes and textbook. Look over the readings and try the problems. If you can, bring a list of specific questions. The more you prepare, the more you will get out of the session.

If you miss a class, please get notes from a classmate before your session. Tutoring is not a substitute for attending class.