
Arts & Sciences Departments

Department of Chemistry

Current Graduate Students

Advisement for beginning graduate students

New graduate students first arriving in Kingsville should seek out Dr. S. Liu, the graduate coordinator, for initial academic advisement. All new graduate students will be required to take a placement exam the results of which are used to assess the student’ knowledge of chemistry and is helpful in scheduling an appropriate schedule of courses for the students’ first semester. Students who are accepted conditionally may be required to take certain undergraduate chemistry courses to strengthen their chemistry background. Students who have been accepted without restrictions likewise need advisement as to the specific courses they should take.

Graduate student activities during the first semester

During the first semester of graduate work new graduate students will be required to attend short research seminars given by the faculty given one evening to aid the student in picking a research advisor. In addition, students should decide whether they intend to pursue a Plan I (thesis) or Plan II masters degree program. Also, graduate students should have the graduate advisor complete an initial degree plan outlining the courses needed to complete the graduate degree. NOTE: Scholarship money will be authorized only for students pursuing a Plan I (thesis) program. Plan II students may gain financial support from various jobs offered by the Department.

Graduate student activities and requirements after the first semester

Each graduate student must meet with the graduate coordinator before each new semester for approval of courses to take the next semester. Early in the final semester of a graduate student’s coursework the student should ask the graduate coordinator to prepare a final degree plan. Once the College of Graduate Studies has accepted this plan the student should apply for candidacy. When the candidacy application is accepted, and the student has passed his thesis or project defense and cumulative exam the student is set for graduation.

Questions about the Chemistry graduate program

Graduate students who have questions about any facet of the graduate program are encouraged to talk to the graduate coordinator for answers and clarification about any aspects of the graduate program.