
Arts & Sciences Departments

Department of Chemistry

Current Undergraduate Students

Helpful Advising Hints

Try to stay on track with your degree plan, but remember grades are important so don't get so overloaded that your grades will suffer! This especially true for those of you who are working and trying to complete your degree in four years. Don't WAIT to be a senior!

Get your basic requirements and prerequisites early. Chemistry courses are sequential you need to complete the requirements before you can register for the next course.

Try to use your electives to bolster your degree with courses that might make you more marketable.

Requirements for Minor

As chemistry major you can minor in Biology, Mathematics, and Physics. Other areas are acceptable with the approval of the chemistry department chair. Students need a minimum of 18 hours of coursework, including 6 hours of advanced level classes. See 91AV catalog/class schedule for course selections.



All freshmen are advised by departments' new student advisor. Students must have been advice during Hoggie Days or you need to make an appointment upon arrival to the university to meet with an advisor.

Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors

Upon entry into the sophomore year, students will be advised by a departmental faculty member. Please come by main office and the department chair will assign faculty advisor.


Transfer students should immediately set up an initial advising session with department chair. Department chair will assign a faculty advisor who will work with them until they graduate from 91AV with a chemistry degree. Transfer coursework is evaluated by 91AV standards. Courses from a community college will be transferred in, as lower division credits only no grade point average. Your faculty advisor will evaluate your transfer credit and explain how it applies to your degree plan.

Important Registration Dates

Use TAMUK's Academic Calendar to find out about important registration and tuition payment deadlines. We recommend that you refer frequently to the Academic Calendar this will be your best source for being up to date with any changes that may occur.

Suggested 4-Year Academic Flowchart


Chemistry flow chart