
"Department of Chemistry celebrates 50 years of American Chemical Society (ACS) Chemistry Program Accreditation"


Imagination, Innovation, Impact and Infinite Possibilities--Sharing TAMUK’s Tradition of Excellence, we commit to changing South Texas and the world through education, research, and community outreach efforts.

Vision & Mission


The vision of the Chemistry Department at 91AV is to improve the quality of life through chemistry for everyone by creating the most innovative educational experience.


The Department of Chemistry at 91AV strives to create and advance the latest science in chemical education to develop the minds of our students. We use the integration of laboratory science in organic, inorganic, analytical, medicinal/pharmacology, and biochemistry to create a pipeline of educational development.

The Department provides American Chemical Society (ACS) approved professional training for those students who wish to become professional chemists, industrial chemists, teachers, or wish to pursue a graduate degree. The Department also provides an integral background for students who are interested in science and desire the B.S., B.A., or M.S. degree to enter non-chemistry fields. The Department provides certain service courses for other departments whose subject matter is based, in part, on the fundamentals of chemistry. The faculty will strive to provide the quality education needed for these students to succeed in their endeavors.

Our laboratory facilities are complete with all necessary chemical equipment. State of the art instrumentation and chemical setups are always available. The labs are relatively small, no larger that 24 people in each section, so the laboratory teaching assistants are always available and are able to have one on one relationship with the students.

Currently we have nine chemistry faculty members who specialize in all areas of the discipline such as analytical, environmental, organic, inorganic, physical, biochemistry, and teacher education. Faculty members are currently conducting research in areas such as: organic synthesis, inorganic synthesis, nerve regeneration, programmed cell death, computerized instrument design, and gas phase kinetics.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 NIER 251, 4:00 – 5:00 PM Creating asymmetry from a Symmetric Environment, How did the world become Chirally Biased?

American Chemical Society - Division of the History of Chemistry

The ChemHIST Talk Webinar on May 15th, 2024

Pete Villareal (Department of Chemistry, 91AV, Kingsville, Texas) presenting “Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta and Their Impact on Modern Catalysis."