
Political Science

Global Studies

Global Programs

dr. goswami

Message from the Director

"It is my pleasure to welcome you to explore opportunities provided by Political Science Global Programs (PSGP). If you are a student with a superior academic record and interested in interdisciplinary global issues then PSGP would be ideal for you. To truly benefit from PSGP you must have an interest in the diversity of the world, an attraction to out-of-the-box thinking, and a sense of adventure!"

Nirmal Goswami, Regents Professor, Political Science

A global network of customized programs is one of the distinguishing features of 91AV’s Political Science Program. These Programs - Political Science Global Programs (PSGP) - are uniquely structured to introduce students to the politics, history, culture, and economics of key areas in the world; how those may impact the world and what consequences they may have for the United States.

PSGP are developed and managed by Dr. Nirmal Goswami, Regents Professor of Political Science. All PSGP incorporate broadly defined sustainability components. PSGP have limited summer internships and research assistantships. Funding for these are through the generosity of private donors supporting PSGPs’ goal of providing unique, globally relevant educational opportunities to the best students at TAMU-K. PSGP believe “global” also means local. Therefore, PSGP involve local initiatives as well. These feature Civic Engagement Projects with local communities and Learning Communities with area high schools. PSGP can also assist TAMU-K faculty interested in spending sabbatical time in Bhutan. This opportunity may include partial travel funding support and excellent free housing in Bhutan.


The India Program, previously offered in partnership with the George Bush School of Government and Public Service, 91AV;M University-College Station, is now an independent TAMU-K Program. Generally, Programs are offered in winter Intersession every two years.Students leave for India around December 28th and arrive back in Texas around January 15th.

Past Programs included graduate and undergraduate students traveling to and staying in India over the December-January period, attending classes at host institutions, and visiting multiple sites through field trips in the greater New Delhi region. The India Program also includes a trip to the Taj Mahal and https://agrafort.gov.in. Both locations are a few hours’ drive from New Delhi.

Most recent host institutions in India have been Jawaharlal Nehru University and Jindal University. Areas of focus include history, politics, economics, culture, health, environmental policies, nuclear issues, etc., with reference to both greater Asia and India.Additional information about a sample India Program can be found at: http://voyagetonewdelhi.blogspot.com/

Pacific Studies - New Zealand

University of Otago (UO), Dunedin, New Zealand. This Program is more regional than other PSGPs. While the central focus is on New Zealand, the Program accesses UO’s wide Pacific region expertise and resources. The entire Otago Peninsula, the City of Dunedin, and the nearby area where the film series   Lord of the Rings  was shot, are all within the Program’s field activities radius.

Additional information can be found here  and   


The Bhutan Program, offered in partnership with Royal Thimphu College (RTC), Bhutan, is generally offered during Summer-I. Information about RTC can be found at   . The Bhutan Program has a greater emphasis on sustainable development than other programs. In-country activities in Bhutan include hiking and archery and visits to stunning places like   .

Additional information about previous Bhutan Program is at: 

Recent Program:  

Archives:   .

Africa - South Africa and Botswana


The Botswana (Africa) Program is offered in collaboration with the University of Botswana (UB), Gaborone, Botswana. Information about UB can be found at:   . Activities in Botswana include visits to villages and wild life reserves.

Information about previous Botswana Program can be found here:   .

South Africa

The South Africa Program is offered in partnership with Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. When offered, it us usually during Summer-I.

Information about the most recent South Africa Program can be found here:  


A Japan Program, developed and managed by Dr. Chika Rosenbaum, Asst. Prof of Political Science is offered periodically. The Program is a partnership with Yamanashi Prefectural University ( ). The Japan Program includes opportunities for exchange arrangements, research activities, experiential learning, and other related academic endeavors. For additional information about the Japan Program, please contact Dr. Chika Rosenbaum at Chika.Rosenbaum@tamuk.edu.

Civic Engagement

PSGP periodically partner with other TAMU-K entities on service learning and civic engagement projects. Most recently, PSGP worked with TAMU-K’s Honors College in developing a potential service learning project with the goal of assisting the City of San Diego, Duval County, Texas. Students who participate in such projects conduct field based research in local economic development, sustainability, historic preservation, education, social services, urban planning, etc., and earn course credits.

Learning Communities

The establishment of Learning Communities by including local high schools in PSGP is an integral and distinctive component of the Programs. This facilitates integrated learning between university students and university faculty with high school students and high school faculty. These Communities also allow TAMU-K to demonstrate to local high schools the diversity and quality of the University’s commitment to innovative and globally relevant learning strategies.

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Funding Sources and Supporters Research Assistantships and Internships