Dr. Brent C. Hedquist, Professor of Geography & Department Chair
Undergraduate work: B.S., Brigham Young University
Graduate work: M.A., Arizona State University
Doctoral work: Ph.D., Arizona State University
Teaching and research interests:
- Physical Geography
- Climatology
- Urban Climatology
- Remote Sensing
- 2016 - B.C. Hedquist and C. Barker, 'The Southwestern Geographer 19', "Detecting and mapping the urban heat island in a small South Texas city"
- 2016 - C.-Y. Chang, E. Faust, X. Hou, P. Lee, H.-C. Kim, B.C. Hedquist, and K.-J. Liao, 'Atmospheric Environment 142: 152-170, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.06.058.', "Investigating Ambient Ozone Formation Regimes in Neighboring Cities of Shale Plays in the Northeast United States using Photochemical Modeling and Satellite"
- 2014 - Hedquist, B.C., and A.J. Brazel, 'Building and Environment 72', "Seasonal variability of temperatures and outdoor human comfort in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A."
- 2012 - Dimitrova, R., N. Lurponglukana, H.J.S. Fernando, G.C. Runger, P. Hyde, B.C. Hedquist, J. Anderson, W. Bannister, and W. Johnson, 'Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12, doi:10.5194/acp-12-2479-2012, 2012.', "Relationship between particulate matter and childhood asthma – basis of a future warning system for central Phoenix"
- 2010 - Fernando, H.J.S., D. Zajic, S. Di Sabatino, R. Dimitrova, B. Hedquist, and A. Dallman, 'Physics of Fluids 22, doi:10.1063/1.3407662.', "Flow, turbulence, and pollutant dispersion in urban atmospheres"
- 2009 - Sun, C., A.J. Brazel, W.T.L. Chow, B.C. Hedquist, and L. Prashad, 'Theoretical & Applied Climatology 98', "Desert heat island study in winter by mobile transect and remote sensing techniques"
- 2007 - Brazel, A.J., P.A. Gober, S.J. Lee, S. Grossman-Clarke, J.A. Zehnder, B.C. Hedquist, and E. Comparri, 'Climate Research 33', "Determinants of changes in the regional urban heat island in Metropolitan Phoenix (Arizona, USA) between 1990 and 2004"
- 2006 - Hartz, D.A., L. Prashad, B.C. Hedquist, J. Golden, and A.J. Brazel, 'Remote Sensing of Environment 104', "Linking Satellite Images and Handheld Infrared Thermography to Observed Neighborhood Climate Conditions"
- 2006 - Hedquist, B.C., and A.J. Brazel, 'Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 38', "Urban, Residential, and Rural Climate Comparisons from Mobile Transects and Fixed Stations: Phoenix, Arizona"
- 2005 - Hedquist, B.C., 'Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science 38', "Assessment of the Urban Heat Island in Casa Grande, Arizona"
- 2005 - Dixon, P.G., D.M. Brommer, B.C. Hedquist, A.J. Kalkstein, C. Dickerson, G.B. Goodrich, J.C. Walter, C.C. Dickerson IV, S.J. Penny, and R.S. Cerveny, 'Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 86', "Heat Mortality Versus Cold Mortality: A Study of Conflicting Databases in the United States"
- 2005 - Brazel, A.J., H.J.S. Fernando, J.C.R. Hunt, N. Selover, B.C. Hedquist, and E. Pardyjak, 'Journal of Applied Meteorology, 44', "Evening Transition Observations in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A."
Contact Information
Department of Physics & Geosciences
Hill Hall 113
MSC 175 91AV
Kingsville, Texas 78363-8202
voice: (361) 593-3586
email: brent.hedquist@tamuk.edu