
College of Business

Undergraduate Programs


The 91AV College of Business Administration Product Pricing & Business Analytics concentration is the first undergraduate program specializing in Product Pricing in the U.S.!

Pricing is an emerging function. Effective pricing management helps companies to increase profitability by improving the way they analyze, set and deliver prices, including enforcing pricing policies.

Students learn several powerful principles of pricing, and explore innovative approaches that take full advantage of the rapid changes brought about by the information age. Product Pricing is a cross-functional area that offers the student significant internships and career possibilities in almost every industry. Product pricing analysts, managers and directors are unique in that they work with:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Information Systems
  • Strategic Planning and the Corporate Executives

To prepare for such a career, students need to have a strong foundation in all aspects of business, supplemented with an ability to collect, understand and analyze market, industry and corporate data.

Students may follow the 91AV general business degree plan, but replace the CBA electives with the following courses:

Required Courses: (21 credits)

FINC 3355 – Pricing for Profitability

MGMT 3310 – Intro to Entrepreneurship (Learn to look at the organization and manage as a whole)

ISYS 3351 – Database/SQL (Learn how to extract data and information from the information your firm has)

MKTG 3365 – Market Research (Learn to understand your market and their willingness to pay)

MKTG 3360 – Sales or MKTG 4321 Negotiation (Learn how to close sales)

ACCT 3314 – Cost /Managerial Accounting (Learn how to ensure that fixed

    and variable costs are accounted correctly)

MKTG 4350 – Consumer Behavior (Understand consumer’s buying behavior)

Some classes you may wish to consider as electives are:

ISYS 4304 – Database Administration
MKTG 4320 – Business to Business Marketing
ACCT 4319 – Advanced Managerial Accounting
FINC 4364 – Business Forecasting
MATH 4390 – Special Topic – Game Theory (May require professor to waive prerequisites)
COM 3321 – Principles of Advertising

For more information:
Dr. Hans Schumann
Voice: 361 593-2990
Email: hans.schumann@tamuk.edu