
College of Business

Undergraduate Programs

Immersion Experience

College is more than just going to class.

Business students must broaden their education by gaining skills and global competencies through engagement in learning practices outside the classroom. Therefore, it is a requirement for all business majors to complete at least one of the following three immersion experiences prior to graduation.

Internship for Immersion Experience Credit

This option will count as your Immersion Experience requirement. Your internship must be approved by the Internship Coordinator and the College of Business Administration Dean's Office prior to your start date.

To be eligible for the College of Business Administration Immersion Experience Credit program:

  • You must be a College of Business Administration student
  • Completed the Student Professional Development Program
  • Work for a minimum of 4 weeks with at least 150 work hours
Application process:
  1. Complete the Employer Agreement Form
  2. Once you have completed the form with your supervisor, submit the form to the Internship Coordinator, Selina Kieschnick, via email at selina.kieschnick@tamuk.edu
  3. The Internship Coordinator will contact you via email to let you know if your internship was approved or denied
  4. Once you have reached at least 150 work hours, inform the Internship Coordinator by email at selina.kieschnick@tamuk.edu and complete the Internship Completion Process on page 3 of the Employer Agreement Form.


Internship for Academic Credit

This option will count as both an academic course credit and your Immersion Experience requirement. It must be approved by the Department Chair, Faculty Supervisor and Internship Coordinator prior to beginning your internship. This opportunity requires you register and pay for a 3 semester credit hour course and your internship must be completed during the same semester as your registered course. 

To be eligible for the College of Business Administration Immersion Experience and Academic Credit program:

  • You must be a College of Business Administration student
  • Completed the Student Professional Development Program
  • Have at least a 2.5 GPA
  • Work for a minimum of 4 weeks with at least 150 work hours
Application process:
  1. Complete the Internship for Academic Credit Application
  2. Once you have completed the form with your supervisor, visit with the Faculty supervisor responsible for the course and then get it approved by the Department Chair.
  3. Then submit the form to the Internship Coordinator, Selina Kieschnick, via email at selina.kieschnick@tamuk.edu
  4. The Internship Coordinator will contact you via email to let you know if your internship was approved or denied and assist you with the registration process as needed
  5. Once you have reached at least 150 work hours, inform the Internship Coordinator by email at selina.kieschnick@tamuk.edu and complete the Internship Completion Process on page 6 of the Internship for Academic Credit Application.

Student/Faculty Collaborative Research Project

Business students gain functional knowledge and practice communication and teamwork skills by working with a faculty member on an academic research project. Students may gain independent study credit for the experience.

Faculty/student collaborative research is a great learning experience. You'll learn more about your academic discipline and how to do academic research–an experience especially beneficial if you are considering graduate school. You'll also develop interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills.


To be eligible for the College of Business Administration Immersion Experience Credit program:

  • You must be a College of Business Administration student
  • Completed the Student Professional Development Program
Application process:
  1. Complete the Student/Faculty Research Agreement
  2. Once you have completed the form with your sponsoring research faculty, submit the form to Selina Kieschnick, via email at selina.kieschnick@tamuk.edu
  3. You must email your research paper and create a PowerPoint presentation summarizing your research to selina.kieschnick@tamuk.edu 

Study Abroad Experience

More and more people are working for organizations who view the world as their marketplace. They seek employees who can function effectively in a multicultural environment, have a good understanding of business principles and practices, strong interpersonal skills, the ability to adapt, and a spirit of adventure.

Opportunities exist for you to help gain an appreciation for the global nature of business, as well as the ability to function in the global business environment. During the Study Abroad Experience you will travel overseas and participate in an face-to-face course setting.

To be eligible for the College of Business Administration Immersion Experience Credit program:

  • You must be a College of Business Administration student
  • Completed the Student Professional Development Program
  • Study Abroad course must be an approved business course
Application process:
  1. Contact your Academic Advisor about upcoming Study Abroad opportunities and plan when you would like to travel abroad
  2. Meet with International Studies Office about Study Abroad requirements, available payment plans and scholarships
  3. Once you have decided when you are traveling abroad contact your Academic Advisor and The International Studies Office to assist you with registration

These immersion experiences offer valuable insight gained through field work and everyday assignments.  This allows students to put that knowledge to test.  Ultimately, allowing students to hone their business acumen while developing communication, leadership, and time management skills.

*Students must complete all SPDP workshops prior to fulfilling immersion experience requirement.