
College of Education Departments

Counseling and Guidance

Professional Organizations


American Counseling Association

As the world's largest association representing professional counselors in various practice settings, the American Counseling Association stands ready to serve more than 56,000 members with the resources they need to make a difference. From webinars, publications, and journals to Conference education sessions and legislative action alerts, ACA is where counseling professionals turn for powerful, credible content and support.

The American Counseling Association is a not-for-profit, professional and educational organization that is dedicated to the growth and enhancement of the counseling profession. Founded in 1952, ACA is the world's largest association exclusively representing professional counselors in various practice settings.

The mission of the American Counseling Association is to enhance the quality of life in society by promoting the development of professional counselors, advancing the counseling profession, and using the profession and practice of counseling to promote respect for human dignity and diversity.

Four independent associations convened a joint convention in Los Angeles, CA in 1952: The National Vocational Guidance Association (NVGA), the National Association of Guidance and Counselor Trainers (NAGCT), the Student Personnel Association for Teacher Education (SPATE), and the American College Personnel Association, in hopes of providing a larger professional voice. They established the American Personnel and Guidance Association (APGA), later changing names in 1983 to the American Association of Counseling and Development. On July 1, 1992, the association changed its name to the American Counseling Association (ACA) to reflect the common bond among association members and to reinforce their unity of purpose.

Headquartered in Alexandria, VA, just outside Washington, DC, the American Counseling Association promotes public confidence and trust in the counseling profession so that professionals can further assist their clients and students in dealing with the challenges life presents. The American Counseling Association services professional counselors in the U.S. and in 50 other countries including Europe, Latin America, the Philippines and the Virgin Islands. In addition, the American Counseling Association is associated with a comprehensive network of 19 divisions and 56 branches. The American Counseling Association also collaborates with several corporate and related organizations to enhance member services.

There are 20 chartered divisions within the American Counseling Association. These divisions provide leadership, resources and information unique to specialized areas and/or principles of counseling.  ACA has four regions, which serves members in those regions.  Lastly, ACA has 56 chartered branches in the U.S., Europe, and Latin America.

Within the American Counseling Association there are 20 divisions. These divisions enhance professional identity and are organized around specific interest and practice areas. The divisions provide professional strength and satisfy the diverse needs of the counseling community. 

Chartered in 1986, AADA serves as a focal point for information sharing, professional development, and advocacy related to adult development and aging issues; addresses counseling concerns across the lifespan.

Originally the Association for Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance, AARC was chartered in 1965. The purpose of AARC is to promote the effective use of assessment in the counseling profession.

Association for Child and Adolescent Counseling aims to focus on the training needs of counselors who work with children and adolescents, while also providing professional support to those counselors, whether they are school counselors, play therapists, or counselor educators.

The Association for Creativity in Counseling (ACC) is a forum for counselors, counselor educators, creative arts therapists and counselors in training to explore unique and diverse approaches to counseling. ACC's goal is to promote greater awareness, advocacy, and understanding of diverse and creative approaches to counseling.

ACCA is one of the newest divisions of the American Counseling Association. Chartered in 1991, the focus of ACCA is to foster student development in colleges, universities, and community colleges.

Originally the National Association of Guidance and Counselor Trainers, ACES was a founding association of ACA in 1952. ACES emphasizes the need for quality education and supervision of counselors for all work settings.

AHC, formerly C-AHEAD, a founding association of ACA in 1952, provides a forum for the exchange of information about humanistically-oriented counseling practices and promotes changes that reflect the growing body of knowledge about humanistic principles applied to human development and potential.

Educates counselors to the unique needs of client identity development; and a non-threatening counseling environment by aiding in the reduction of stereotypical thinking and homoprejudice.

Originally the Association of Non-White Concerns in Personnel and Guidance, AMCD was chartered in 1972. AMCD strives to improve cultural, ethnic and racial empathy and understanding by programs to advance and sustain personal growth.

Chartered in 1978, AMHCA represents mental health counselors, advocating for client-access to quality services within the health care industry.

ARCA is an organization of rehabilitation counseling practitioners, educators, and students who are concerned with enhancing the development of people with disabilities throughout their life span and in promoting excellence in the rehabilitation counseling profession's practice, research, consultation, and professional development.

Chartered in 1953, ASCA promotes school counseling professionals and interest in activities that affect the personal, educational, and career development of students. ASCA members also work with parents, educators, and community members to provide a positive learning environment.

Originally the National Catholic Guidance Conference, ASERVIC was chartered in 1974. ASERVIC is devoted to professionals who believe that spiritual, ethical, religious, and other human values are essential to the full development of the person and to the discipline of counseling.

Chartered in 1973, ASGW provides professional leadership in the field of group work, establishes standards for professional training, and supports research and the dissemination of knowledge.

CSJ is a community of counselors, counselor educators, graduate students, and school and community leaders who seek equity and an end to oppression and injustice affecting clients, students, counselors, families, communities, schools, workplaces, governments, and other social and institutional systems.

Originally the Public Offender Counselor Association, IAAOC was chartered in 1972. Members of IAAOC advocate the development of effective counseling and rehabilitation programs for people with substance abuse problems, other addictions, and adult and/or juvenile public offenders.

Chartered in 1989, IAMFC members help develop healthy family systems through prevention, education, and therapy.

Originally the Military Educators and Counselors Association, MGCA was chartered in 1984. MGCA is dedicated to counseling clients and their families in local, state, and federal government or in military-related agencies. (Website might not currently be available)

Originally the National Vocational Guidance Association, NCDA was one of the founding associations of ACA in 1952. NCDA provides professional development, connection, publications, standards, and advocacy to career development professionals who inspire and empower individuals to achieve their career and life goals.

NECA was originally the National Employment Counselors Association and was chartered in 1966. The commitment of NECA is to offer professional leadership to people who counsel in employment and/or career development settings.

Whether you are a seasoned professional or starting your career, the resources and services provided through your membership will: earn more about your specialty—

Maximize your Professional Development

  • Stay ahead of the educational learning curve
  • Advocate for the counseling care of tomorrow
  • Expand your networking connections
  • Expand your knowledge and enhance your skills
  • Grow your network
  • Demonstrate your commitment to the counseling profession and those you serve
  • Help you save on products and services with exclusive discounts
  • Students, retirees, and recent graduates can receive discounted memberships



American School Counselor Association

ASCA supports school counselors' efforts to help students focus on academic, career and social/emotional development so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives as responsible members of society.

ASCA provides professional development, publications and other resources, research and advocacy to professional school counselors around the globe.

Regardless of whether you work in an elementary setting, on a college campus or somewhere in between, the American School Counselor Association is here for you. ASCA believes in one vision and one voice and works to ensure it meets the needs of all school counselors, regardless of setting, experience level or needs.

With a membership of school counseling professionals from around the world, ASCA focuses on providing professional development, enhancing school counseling programs and researching effective school counseling practices. ASCA is the school counseling division of the American Counseling Association.

ASCA's Vision
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) is the foundation that expands the image and influence of school counselors through advocacy, leadership, collaboration and systemic change. ASCA empowers school counselors with the knowledge, skills, linkages and resources to promote student success in the school, the home, the community and the world.

ASCA's Mission
The mission of ASCA is to represent school counselors and to promote professionalism and ethical practices.

ASCA's Goals and Objectives
Professional development opportunities in areas of critical need are made available to all school counselors. 

Timely, relevant information exists to enhance school counselors' level of skill and professionalism.

Legislative policy exists that supports school counselors and child advocacy.

ASCA initiates and supports relevant research and evaluation in school counseling.

Professional and ethical standards articulate the code of conduct and professional behavior for school counselors.

Strategic partnerships with stakeholders exist to benefit school counselors and their students.

Leaders at local, state and national levels champion and lead change initiatives.

ASCA maintains an organizational structure and administrative functions that facilitate the accomplishment of the goals and objectives.

Professional school counselors across the country and abroad all share the same vision – to do the best job they can for the students under their guidance and care. Academic success alone isn’t enough to ensure today’s students are prepared to be tomorrow’s adults. They also need to focus on career and social/emotional development.

Professional school counselors are a vital part of helping children develop into well-rounded individuals. And ASCA is a vital part of helping school counselors develop the programs necessary to meet students’ needs.

An ASCA membership offers you more than just periodicals, professional development and peer networking. Although it offers that too! Joining the only organization dedicated to furthering the needs and mission of school counselors helps you grow professionally as well as personally. You’ll learn about best practices in school counseling. You’ll benefit from others’ experience and research. Most of all, you’ll know you’re joining with thousands of other professional school counselors to share a common vision – that of turning today’s youth into tomorrow’s leaders.

: ASCA's award-winning journal provides peer-reviewed articles on school counseling theory, research, practice and techniques. your subscription helps you stay on top of the latest theories and advances in the field. Members have access to full-text articles and archives online. 

 A slick, full-color bimonthly magazine, ASCA School Counselor gives members a place to turn for practical, how-to articles addressing the issues school counselors face on a daily basis. A $90 value.

Professional Development: As everyone knows, it's important to participate in regular, certified professional development opportunities. In addition to its annual conference, webinars and local workshops, ASCA also partners with other organizations to offer members training in areas such as ethics, career counseling and more.

Don't take unnecessary risks with your career and financial stability. Protect yourself with FREE professional liability insurance developed especially for ASCA professional and student members.

One of the best benefits of ASCA membership is access to a plethora of free resources. From sample lesson plans to job descriptions, checklists to back-to-school handouts, your membership opens the door to a world of materials to use on a daily basis.

 Keep on top of new projects, resources and member benefits with ASCA’s monthly e-newsletter. 

: As an ASCA member, you can use the ASCA MEMBER logo on your business cards, website, letterhead, etc.

School counseling programs are collaborative efforts benefiting students, parents, teachers, administrators and the overall community. School counseling programs should be an integral part of students' daily educational environment, and school counselors should be partners in student achievement.

The question has been posed, "What do school counselors do?" The more important question is, "How are students different as a result of what school counselors do?" To help answer this question, the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) created the ASCA National Model®, which is a framework for a comprehensive, data-driven school counseling program.

Explore this section of the website to learn more about the ASCA National Model, its component parts and how developing a school counseling program based on this framework can improve student achievement.

Five Bits of Advice for ASCA National Model Implementation

  1. Remember, the purpose of the ASCA National Model is to do more school counseling.
  2. Keep it simple.
  3. The ASCA National Model is even more important when you have a large caseload.
  4. The ASCA National Model gives you the tools you need to take things off your plate.
  5. Take advantage of experts in your district.

ASCA National Model Executive Summary

ASCA School Counselor Competencies

The Role of the School Counselor

ASCA National Standards for Students

Texas School Counselor Association

Brief History of the Texas School Counselor Association

In 1966, the Texas School Counselor Association was chartered as one of two divisions of what was at the time known as the Texas Personnel and Guidance Association. Louise Dooley served as the first president. Since Texas had passed standards for certification of school counselors in 1955, there had been a real need for such an association.

TSCA has worked closely with its parent organization, the Texas Counseling Association, and through collaborative efforts, the two organizations have helped pass significant bills through the Texas Legislature, starting with the Elementary Counselor Act in 1990. The following year the Texas Evaluation Model for School Counselors was developed, and in 1999 updated school counselor certification standards were codified. The School Counselor & Counseling Program Law (TEC, Ch 33 A) was passed in 2001. More recently, TCA and TSCA collaborated to help include school counselors in the 65% rule, thereby strengthening school counseling programs in the state.

As the largest division of TCA, the Texas School Counselor Association provides a wealth of services to members. Each November at the TCA Conference, TSCA holds an annual association meeting and luncheon. All of our member services help provide leadership and professional energy to TCA, because every member we recruit must join our parent organization as well. Several important pieces of legislation have been passed through the joint efforts of TCA and TSCA, including adoption of the Texas Comprehensive Developmental Guidance Program by the Texas Education Association.

TSCA hosts its combined conference in the spring for secondary and elementary counselors. The quality of the conference is at a consistently high level, and counselors are able to complete most if not all of their yearly requirements for professional development through attendance. The cost of the conference is about 1/3 the cost of attendance at a national conference.

The quarterly newsletter, The Voice of the School Counselor, offers substantive resources and information for school counselors at all levels including current and useful information related to the Standard of Practice for school counselors at all levels. The TSCA website provides additional resources, including Power Point presentations and handouts from speakers' presentations. Each year, TSCA provides professional recognition to all levels of counselors, their supervisors, and their supporters. Our Human Rights Art Contest is open to students at all levels; winners receive monetary prizes. TSCA also provides numerous scholarships to high school seniors, as well as graduate students working toward their studies and certification in school counseling.

As the largest and one of the oldest divisions of the Texas Counseling Association, TSCA serves a membership of more than 2,000. In addition, TSCA provides professional development and support to an even larger group of professionals through its annual conference. In terms of advocacy and dissemination of information to members, TSCA has been exemplary as a division of the Texas Counseling Association.


Texas Counseling Association

TCA’s roots trace back to 1935-1945 when interested counselors would meet during the Annual Convention of the Texas State Teachers Association. On November 29, 1947, a group of counselors convened for the first time as the "Guidance Section" at the annual TSTA Convention. This meeting dealt mainly with the establishment of guidance programs in public schools. In 1948, the decision was made to develop a counseling association. By 1950, the Texas Guidance Association (TGA) constitution was completed and an organization was born. The following year, the Deans of Women and Mental Hygiene Groups joined the association. In 1954 the association began its efforts to become a state branch of the American Personnel and Guidance Association (APGA). On April 9, 1963, TGA accepted the APGA state charter recognizing it as the Texas Personnel and Guidance Association (TPGA). In 1992, Texas followed the lead of the national association and the name was changed to the Texas Counseling Association (TCA). www.txca.org/history

HPSO Liability Insurance (opportunity to purchase)
TCA members have the opportunity to purchase liability insurance through Healthcare Providers Service Organization (HPSO). TCA is proud to endorse HPSO and has selected it as the association’s professional liability insurance administrator because of HPSO’s benefits, features, affordable rates and commitment to superior service. TCA Master-level student members can purchase HPSO liability insurance for just $18.

State and Federal Advocacy
TCA works diligently to ensure that all professional counseling issues are a priority for legislators in Texas and Washington DC. TCA speaks on-behalf-of and alongside our members as the governmental bodies that regulate the counseling profession consider legislation and policy changes that impact your work. TCA hosts three Legislative Advocacy Days at the State Capitol during each Texas Legislative Session and also sends a coalition of TCA leaders to Capitol Hill each July. Additionally, TCA contracts the services of two independent lobbyists to more effectively draft legislation and influence public policy decisions. 

Liaisons for State Licensure Boards
TCA appoints a number of volunteers to serve as liaisons to state licensure boards in Texas. These liaisons support your profession by monitoring and reporting on the work being conducted by licensure boards including: the State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors, the State Board of Examiners of Marriage and Family Therapists, the State Board for Educator Certification, and the Texas Education Agency. TCA works in conjunction with our liaisons to ensure that proposed rule changes and agency announcements are vetted by the association, and that input from TCA membership is solicited and submitted when appropriate.

Public Service Announcements
TCA has produced a series of hard-hitting TV and radio Public Service Announcements (PSAs) that focus on topics such as drug abuse, suicide, domestic violence, mental health issues, developmental disabilities, military deployment, and more. Viewers and listeners are encouraged to seek out counseling services and are directed to the TCA website where they can access the TCA Referral Bank as well as additional resources to support their emotional wellness.

Referral Bank
The TCA Referral Bank makes it easy for clients to find you. Our electronic database is searchable by city, zip code and language(s) spoken, as well as more than 70+ practice specialties. TCA actively drives traffic to the Referral Bank through a series of TV and radio public service announcements. All TCA members are listed in the Referral Bank using the professional contact and practice-specific information provided in their membership profile. Members who wish to be excluded from the database may simply opt-out from this feature.

Speakers Bureau
The TCA Speakers Bureau helps connect individuals, associations and businesses looking for a counseling professional for their next speaking engagement or event. TCA members must opt-in to have their professional contact and presentation information listed in the Speakers Bureau. Additionally, TCA members who present a workshop or program at a TCA conference will automatically have that session information added to their profile in the electronic database. 

Division Membership
TCA members can connect and network with colleagues from similar practice settings by joining one or more of TCA’s 12 Divisions. Divisions often focus their efforts on targeted advocacy and professional development opportunities. Division membership dues are inexpensive and professionals can select from the following areas of practice: Adult Development and Aging; Assessment in Counseling and Education; Career Development; College Counseling; Counselor Education and Supervision; Counselors for Social Justice; Humanistic Education and Development; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues in Counseling; Marriage and Family Counseling; Mental Health Counseling; Multicultural Counseling and Development; and School Counseling.

Chapter Membership
Counseling professionals looking to stay connected with colleagues in their geographic region are encouraged to join one of TCA’S 32 Chapters. Chapter borders are established along county lines and are segmented into five larger regions throughout the state. Many Chapters host annual workshops and meetings to help counselors in their area obtain professional development credits close to home.

Committee Service
TCA members who want to directly impact both the work of the association and the counseling profession are encouraged to apply for service on a Committee. Members of TCA committees are appointed each year, and a member may serve on the same committee up to three consecutive years. Committee work focuses on issues including public policy, research and ethics as well as association awards, grants, by-laws and membership.

Professional Growth Conference
TCA members receive discounted registration rates for our largest annual conference, the TCA Professional Growth Conference, held each year in November. The complete four-day event features 20+ program topics, 160+ program sessions (including pre- and post- conference workshops), and easily draws more than 2,000 attendees. Programs are intended for licensed professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, professional school and college counselors, directors of guidance, counselor educators, graduate counseling students, lead counselors and other mental health professionals. Hosted by TCA, all conference programs are eligible for LPC, NBCC, SBEC, LCDC, LMFT, SW, and Psychologist continuing education credits.

School Counselor Conference
The annual School Counselor Conference is held each February. This three-day event generally attracts 1,000+ attendees and is designed specifically for school counselors from across the education spectrum. Attendees can choose from 50+ programs to learn innovative and proven techniques for effective school counseling practices as well as new trends and issues related to student development and growth. Co-hosted by the Texas School Counselor Association (TSCA) and TCA, all conference programs are eligible for LPC, NBCC, SBEC, LCDC, LMFT, SW, and Psychologist continuing education credits.

Online Learning
TCA members receive free access to professional development webinars via our Online Learning Series. These on-demand webinars and modules focus on topics including financial aid and college and career readiness strategies for counselors in educational settings, as well as effective techniques and strategies for professionals in private practice. Expand your professional counselor toolkit without the added expense of travel. Each online program is worth 1.5 CEUs.

Career Center
TCA members have unlimited access to professional listings on the TCA Job Bank. Updated frequently, the Job Bank is teaming with leads and features new positions every month. TCA actively encourages mental health and educational employers to post available counseling positions to the Job Bank - free of charge; this helps ensure our members have access to more employment opportunities statewide.

A free TCA member benefit, LegalCare offers unlimited telephone consultations with an attorney for both professional and personal issues. All phone discussions are provided at no cost and services are strictly confidential. Members may call as often as desired for advice and consultation on any area of the law including licensing issues, collection problems, contract questions, government violations, criminal cases, divorce and more.

Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory, and Research
The Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory, and Research is the official journal of the Texas Counseling Association. Published bi-annually, the Journal of Professional Counseling is primarily technical and includes lengthy, researched articles of interest to counseling professionals. Abstracted online through EBSCO, the Journal of Professional Counseling is also mailed to all TCA members, twice annually. Non-members may purchase a subscription for $150.

Guidelines Newsletter
Published quarterly, Guidelines is the official TCA newsletter. It includes TCA Chapter, Division, and Committee news as well as association announcements, conference updates, and articles by TCA leadership and membership alike. Guidelines is sent to all TCA members electronically and is publically archived on the TCA website.

eMembership Updates
Published each month, eUpdate emails are sent to all TCA members and include state and federal grant announcements, request for proposals (RFP) and request for applications (RFA) for mental health services in Texas, alerts and announcements from state and national agencies and licensure boards, legislative updates, and important notices for counseling professionals.

Action Alerts
During each Texas Legislative Session, TCA sends a series of weekly Action Alerts to all members. These streamlined emails include important counseling bills being heard in committee that week as well as talking points and legislative contact information to help build support for a bill’s passage. Additionally, TCA sends Action Alert emails to all members whenever a federal issue (such as Medicare coverage or Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Program grants) is being addressed at the national level.

Newsline and TCA in the News
Sent electronically every Wednesday to all TCA members, Newsline is a comprehensive collection of timely news articles, from across Texas and around the nation, which focus on topics of interest to counseling and mental health professionals. Newsline is archived electronically and articles that directly mention TCA or TCA members are highlighted on the Newsline webpage.

Educational Endowment Fund Grants
TCA members may apply for Educational Endowment Fund grants of up to $500 for 1) academic coursework toward completion of a graduate degree in counseling or human development, 2) original research, conference attendance or specialized study, or 3) other professional development and continuing education activities. Applications are accepted three times annually and individuals must be a TCA member for at least 12-months to qualify.

Professional Development Grants
TCA Chapters and Divisions are eligible to apply for Professional Development Grants of up to $200 to enhance and strengthen regional, grassroots efforts to provide professional development programs. Grants are awarded for workshops, seminars, continuing education programs (CEUs), and lectureships across the state.

Professional Brochures
TCA offers a variety of brochures to help educate individuals, lawmakers, and the public about the unique roles, responsibilities, and education requirements of professional counselors. Brochures include the Licensed Professional Counselor brochure, Professional School Counselor brochure, Professional College Counselor brochure, and Assessment in Texas Schools brochure. TCA members may request up to 50 free copies.


November. 2-5, 2016

Call for programs is closed.

Sheraton Dallas
400 North Olive Street
Dallas, Texas, 75201

The Professional Growth Conference is is the largest annual conference hosted by the Texas Counseling Association (TCA) - averaging more than 2,000 attendees. Programming is designed for professional counselors working in a variety of settings including private practice, primary and higher education, criminal justice, community mental health centers, hospitals, nursing homes and managed care facilities, among others. All conference programs are eligible for LPC, NBCC, SBEC, LMFT, SW, Psychologist and School Psychologist continuing education hours.

TCA Divisions

TCA's 12 affiliated Divisions are segmented by distinct professional interests to address specific mental health populations and counseling issues.

Texas Association for Assessment and Rsearch in Counseling

Promotes research, development, technical competency and ethical practices for measurement and evaluation in counseling.

Texas Association for Adult Development and Aging

Promotes resources and leadership on the development process of adults through the life span and the problems of aging.

Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision

Promotes the preparation of professional counselors through accreditation, certification, supervision and professional development.

Texas Society for Sexual, Affectional, Intersex, and Gender Expansive Identities

Promotes tolerance and non-threatening counseling environments that support the unique needs of clients and reduce stereotypical thinking and prejudice.

Texas Association for Humanistic Counseling

Promotes human development practices that emphasize education of the whole person and instructional strategies that foster humanistic approaches.

Texas Association of Marriage and Family Counselors

Promotes issues, interests and the delivery of services in the area of marriage and family therapy, divorce counseling and mediation.

Texas College Counseling Association

Promotes college counseling programs that foster student development, support ethical practices and encourage cooperation within higher education.

Texas Career Development Association

Promotes a greater understanding of the meaning of work; fosters career development over the life span; and establishes standards of professional service in the field of career development.

Texas Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development

Promotes the understanding and appreciation of ethnic, racial and cultural diversity; human and civil rights, and multicultural counseling.

Texas Mental Health Counselors Association

Promotes improvements to the availability and quality of mental health counseling services for professionals in private practice, agency, hospital, business and industrial settings.

Texas School Counselor Association

Supporting counselors, strengthening students, promoting success: providing advocacy and best practice resources to empower school counselors to deliver comprehensive guidance and counseling programs which promote student success.

Texas Counselors for Social Justice

Fosters optimal social, emotional, and cultural development with dignity for all individuals by actively promoting societal equity, access, participation, harmony, empowerment, and advocacy.

Future Conference Dates


64th Annual Professional Growth Conference

Sheraton Hotel

Dallas, Texas

November 11-14, 2020


Gulf Coast Counseling Association

The Gulf Coast Counseling Association (GCCA) has hosted several workshops, presentations, and conferences in the Coastal Bend area over the past decade. For those that are not familiar with GCCA, our mission is to provide professional development opportunities to the community and counties served by our organization. These counties include Aransas, Bee, Brooks, Duval, Jim Wells, Kleberg, Live Oak, McMullen, Nueces, and San Patricio. This is a large area to cover and we need your support to establish this organization and reach every counselor, counselor-in-training, and mental health professional in these 10 counties.

Part of GCCA’s vision is to host an annual conference each April where attendees will learn of the latest changes and additions to the counseling field. A second part of that vision is to mobilize the counseling professionals in our area into advocating for their profession as well as advocating for those populations that are marginalized.

Upcoming Events:

Chapter Meeting #1 & Workshop (Presenter TBA)
Date: Thursday, October 18th, 2018
Time: 11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. @ Rudy’s BBQ - 6101 S Padre Island Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78412

Chapter Meeting #2 & Workshop (Presenter TBA)
Date: Thursday, December 6th, 2018
Time: 11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. @ Rudy’s BBQ - 6101 S Padre Island Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78412

Chapter Meeting #3 & Workshop¬ (Presenter TBA)
Date: Thursday, March 14th, 2019
Time: 11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. @ Kingsville, TX

GCCA Annual Conference
Date: April, 2019

Chapter Meeting #4 & Workshop (Presenter TBA)
Date: Thursday, June 20th, 2019
Time: 11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. @ Rudy’s BBQ - 6101 S Padre Island Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78412


Membership Categories

  • New Professional Membership - $10.00 *NEW
    Master’s/Doctorate Graduates (within past 12 months); applicable for 24 months or upon completion of internship/supervision requirements.
  • Professional Membership – $25.00
    Individuals licensed or certified as a school counselor, LPC/LMFT, or other mental health professional.
  • Student Membership– $10.00
    Students enrolled in a post-secondary program in the area of human development who are not employed more than half-time as a professional counselor.
  • Retired Membership - $10.00
    Any professional TCA member who is retired and no longer working or employed more than half-time as mental health professional.
  • Affiliate Membership - $25.00 *NEW
    Open to any person who supports the mission of the Gulf Coast Counseling Association.

Membership Chair: Rachelle Morales
E-mail: rachelle.renee.morales@gmail.com
Phone: 956-373-8733