
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Faculty and Staff

Avdesh Mishra

Assistant Professor of Computer Science


Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of New Orleans, 2019
M.S. in Computer Science, University of New Orleans, 2015
B.E. in Computer Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, 2011

Work Experience

Assistant Professor of Computer Science, 91AV (September 2019 – Present)
Graduate Research Assistant, BMLL Lab, Department of Computer Science, University of New Orleans (July 2013 – August 2019)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science, University of New Orleans (January 2018 – May 2018)
Software Engineer, BitCraft, Kathmandu, Nepal (November 2011 – July 2013)

Research Interest

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Data Science, Bioinformatics, Computational and Structural Biology, Biomedical Informatics, Evolutionary Computation, Information Retrieval and Text Mining, and Big Data.

Teaching Interest

Undergraduate Courses:
Data Structure and Algorithms, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Programming Languages, Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graph, Computer Graphics, Software Engineering I and II, Object-oriented Software Engineering, Introduction to Bioinformatics
Graduate Courses:
Machine Learning, Analysis of Algorithms, Data Mining, Software Engineering, Application of Neural Networks, Big Data, Data Sciences, Advanced Bioinformatics

Selected Recent Publications

  1. A. Mishra, M.T. Hoque, “3DIGARS-PSP: A Novel Statistical Energy Function and Effective Conformational Search Strategy based ab initio Protein Structure Prediction”, 22nd International Conference on Computer and Informational Technology (ICCIT), 2019
  2. S. Gattani, A. Mishra, and M.T. Hoque, “StackCBPred: A Stacking based Prediction of Protein-Carbohydrate Binding Sites from Sequence”, Carbohydrate Research Journal, Elsevier Journal, 2019
  3. M. Panta, A. Mishra, M.T. Hoque, and J. Atallah “Machine Learning based Prediction of Hierarchical Classification of Transposable Elements”, BIOKDD Conference, 2019
  4. M. Flot, A. Mishra, A.S. Kuchi and M.T. Hoque, StackSSSPred: A Stacking based Prediction of Supersecondary Structure from Sequence, Book Chapter (Chapter 5, pp 101-122), Protein Supersecondary Structures, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1958, Humana Press, New York, NY, 2019
  5. A. Mishra, P. Pokhrel and M.T. Hoque, “StackDPPred: A Stacking based Prediction of DNA-binding Proteins from Sequence”, Oxford Bioinformatics Journal, 2018
  6. D.J. Frey, A. Mishra, M.T. Hoque, M. Abdelguerfi and T. Soniat, “A Machine Learning Approach to Determine Oyster Vessel Behavior”, Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction of MDPI, 2018
  7. C. Anne, A. Mishra, M.T. Hoque and S. Tu, “Multiclass Patent Document Classification”, Artificial Intelligence Research Journal, 2018
  8. A. Mishra and M.T. Hoque, “Three-Dimensional Ideal Gas Reference State based Energy Function”, Current Bioinformatics, 2017
  9. A. Mishra, S. Iqbal and M.T. Hoque, “Discriminate Protein Decoys from Native by using a Scoring Function based on Ubiquitous Phi and Psi Angles Computed from All Atom”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2016
  10. M.T. Hoque, Y. Yang, A. Mishra and Y. Zhou, “sDFIRE: Sequence-specific Statistical Energy Function for Protein Structure Prediction by Decoy Selection”, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 2016
  11. S. Iqbal, A. Mishra and M.T. Hoque, “Improved Prediction of Accessible Surface Area Results in Efficient Energy Function Application”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2015

Fore more details visit Dr. Mishra's

Avdesh Mishra