
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Faculty and Staff

Dr. Rajab Challoo, P.E.

Professor of Electrical Engineering


  • Registered Professional Engineer in Texas (Texas RPE No. XX686).
  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, The Wichita State University, 1989.
  • M.S. in Electrical Engineering, The Wichita State University, 1985.
  • B.S. in Electrical Engineering, The Wichita State University, 1983.

Research interests:

Modeling/analysis/design of linear/nonlinear dynamic/control systems; Control technologies in power systems and deployment of renewable energy systems; Advanced control techniques for solar/wind power and smart grids; Neural networks and fuzzy logic for intelligent control of robotic systems.

Research Projects:

  • "Establishment of Dextrous Robotic Hands and Neural Networks Laboratory for Intelligent Controls Research," National Science Foundation (NSF), $291,750.00 -it is completed. . “Five Year Program in Intelligent Controls Research Using the Dextrous Robotic Hands and Neural Networks Laboratory,” Office of Naval Research, $987,178.00 -it is completed.
  • "Augmentation to Five Year Program in Intelligent Controls Using the Dextrous Robotic Hands and Neural Networks laboratory at TAMUK," Department of Defense/Office of Naval Research, $140,000.00 -it is completed.
  • "Instrumentation Enhancement to Support Ongoing Intelligent Controls Research Using the Dextrous Robotic Hands and Neural Networks Laboratory at TAMUK," Department of Defense/Office of Naval Research, $299,520.00 -it is completed.
  • "Course Restructuring and Laboratory Development in Power Electronics and Electric Drives," National Science Foundation (NSF), $38,959.00 -it is completed.
  • "AGEP: Collaborative Research: Advancing Interdisciplinary STEM Graduate Education in Energy and Sustainability Disciplines,” National Science Foundation (NSF), Approximately $2.1 Million (with A&M University System Colleagues, TAMUK: $266,851.00), Sept 2013 - Feb 2018. -it is completed.
  • "S-STEM: Javelina Engineers STEM Scholarships: Building the Pathway for Baccalaureate to Masters Degrees," National Science Foundation (NSF), $609,025.00, Aug 2013 - Aug 2018. -it is completed.
  • "Collaborative Research: The 91AV;M System AGEP Alliance: A Model to Advance Historically Underrepresented Minorities in the STEM Professoriate," National Science Foundation (NSF), Approximately $2.8 Million (with A&M University System Colleagues $2,816,700.00, TAMUK: $504,027.00), Sept 2017 - Aug 2024, -it is ongoing and current.
  • "Collaborative Research Supplemental: The 91AV;M System AGEP Alliance: A Model to Advance Historically Underrepresented Minorities in the STEM Professoriate," National Science Foundation (NSF), TAMUK: $58,880.00, Sept 2019 - Aug 2024, -it is ongoing and current.
  • "Collaborative Research: CISE-MSI: RCBP-RF: CPS: Develop Scalable and Reliable Deep Learning-driven Embedded Control Applied in Renewable Energy Integration," National Science Foundation (NSF), $149,988.00, Oct 2021 - Aug 2024. -it is ongoing and current.
Distinguished Faculty Service Award:


Contact Information:

EC 317
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
MSC 192 91AV
Kingsville, Texas 78363-8202
voice: (361) 593-2628
fax: (361) 593-4026
email: rajab.challoo@tamuk.edu

Dr. Rajab Challoo, P.E.