
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Certificate Programs on Material Testing, Characterization and Applications Standards

Undergraduate Certificate on Standards for Material Testing, Characterization and Applications

To fulfill the requirements for this transcripted certificate, the student must attend 6 different one-hour seminars, offered through the certificate program, on standards and standardization methods for material testing and characterization, and their appropriate usage in standard engineering design. In addition, the student must complete 12 credits from the following list of courses with a grade of “B” or better in each, along with a Senior Design Project that has significant components on standards (verified by the course instructor/project mentor), to fulfill the requirements for this certificate.

List of Courses:

GEEN 1201 - Engineering as a Career; MEEN 3145 - Material Science Laboratory; MEEN 3344 - Materials Science; MEEN 3349 - Fundamentals of Manufacturing Processes; MEEN 4263 and 4264 - Senior Design Project; MEEN 4382 - Polymer Science & Engineering; MEEN 4385 - Manufacturing of Composites; CEEN 3145 - Construction Materials Lab; CEEN 3244 - Construction Materials; CEEN/AEEN 3303 - Structural Analysis; CEEN/AEEN 3304 - Reinforced Concrete Design; CEEN 3311 - Strength of Materials; CEEN/AEEN 4279 and 4289 – Senior Design Project; CEEN/AEEN 4316 - Structural Steel Design.

for the Undergraduate Certificate Application Form

Graduate Certificate on Standards for Material Testing, Characterization and Applications

To fulfill the requirements for this transcripted certificate, the student must attend 6 different one-hour seminars, offered through the certificate program, on standards and standardization methods for material testing and characterization, and their appropriate usage in standard engineering design. In addition, the student must complete 9 credits (3 courses) from the following list of courses with a grade of “B” or better in each, along with an MS Thesis that has significant components on standards (verified by the thesis supervisor and certificate program director), to fulfill the requirements for this certificate.

List of Courses:

MEEN 5301 – Advanced Manufacturing; MEEN 5303 - Advanced Manufacturing of Composites; MEEN 5306 – Thesis (maximum 3 Credits can be counted towards the certificate); MEEN 5331 - Advanced Materials Science; MEEN 5333 – Polymer Science; CEEN 5306 - Thesis (maximum 3 Credits can be counted towards the certificate); CEEN 5311 - Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design; CEEN 5316 - Engineering Mechanics of Fiber Composites; CEEN 5361 - Advanced Structural Steel Design.

Graduate Certificate Application Form

Contact Information: Please contact Dr. Mohammad Motaher Hossain ( Mohammad.hossain@tamuk.edu , 361-593-3341), if you have any questions regarding the certificate programs.

“Definition of Significant Work with Standards and/or Codes

A Senior Design Project or a MS Thesis/MS Project will be considered as “having a significant amount of Standards/Codes-related content“ when the project and documentation include the design or manufacturing/construction or characterization of one or more systems, components, or experimental processes using Standards/Codes.
The senior design project/MS thesis proposal (as required by the instructor/ advisor/Grad Studies), approved by the instructor or advisor , and one of the supervisors of this program (Dr. Hossain, Dr. Bailey, or Dr. Peel) must discuss the standards/codes to be used in the project/thesis. For a MS project, a proposal that includes a discussion on the standards/codes to be used in the project must be approved by the advisor and one of the supervisors of this program (Dr. Hossain, Dr. Bailey, or Dr. Peel). The proposal should include what Standards or Codes are likely to be used and how they are integral to and would advance the project. If there are no relevant Standards or Codes, state the process for developing new Standards or Codes and show how the project will help develop some possible Standards and Codes and to which organization they will be submitted to. This document must be submitted by the student’s respective Graduation Application Deadline to either Dr. Hossain, Dr. Bailey, or Dr. Peel.
The final report/thesis must be approved by the same two individuals as the proposal and should discuss in depth what Standards/Codes were used, how they were used, and how those were different than given specifications from a customer/instructor/advisor/funder, etc.  If new Standards or Codes were proposed, they should be discussed in detail, and also how they were (or, are planned to be) submitted to the appropriate organization, and the feedback that was given.  The deadline for the report is one day after the MS thesis/MS project deadline, or one day after the Senior Design Project deadline, and should be sent to the same two people that approved the proposal. 
Examples of Standards or Codes that might be used are: ASCE Building Codes, ASTM testing Standards, ASME Boiler or Pressure Vessel Codes.  
Examples of where Standards or Codes might not exist, but could be proposed include: Building Codes for 3D-Printed concrete houses, or Test Standards for multi-material polymer-based 3D-Printed components.”