
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Ph.D. in Engineering

The Ph.D. program in Engineering offered by Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering is designed to ensure that students have a good understanding of fundamental areas within their chosen specialization while providing them with in-depth knowledge in at least one area of their chosen specialization, and teaching students the entire research process, such that they are capable of performing independent research. A graduate of the Ph.D. in Engineering program is perfectly poised to pursue a career in academia, a national lab, or industry, working in research and development.

Following specialties are offered in the program: 

  1. Chemical Engineering
  2. Civil Engineering
  3. Electrical Engineering
  4. Mechanical Engineering
  5. Sustainable Energy Engineering

Admission Requirements

Admission is highly competitive and decisions are based on the evaluation of multiple factors, including the need, capacity, and resources of the program. The general admission for the Ph.D. program in Engineering requires that applicants:

  • Must have earned a  master’s or bachelor’s degree in engineering or science
  • Must submit complete curriculum vitae, copies of transcripts from each institution of higher education attended, a statement of purpose describing their research interests, three letters of recommendation from their academic or professional contacts
  • Complete application along with payment of a nonrefundable application fee
  • Submit copies of the GRE scores and TOEFL scores for applicants whose native language is not English.

 Specific requirements for Direct BS to Ph.D. Route

  • Must have a BS degree in a specific discipline; students with BS in a related discipline (e.g., physics) should first obtain an MS degree before being admitted into the Ph.D. program
  • Must have faculty willing to advise them; otherwise, admit them into the MS program
  • No minimum GPA or GRE (GRE is required for non-TAMUK students); if a faculty agrees to supervise and fund a student, that student should be admitted
  • A direct admit Ph.D. student (i.e., has a B.S. but not an M.S. degree) who has received any form of support from TAMUK (e.g., TA, RA, fellowship, etc.) is NOT allowed to switch to an M.S. degree without receiving written approval from his/her major advisor and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs
  • A direct admit Ph.D. student is required to take 93 total credits, including at least 42 credits of didactic coursework

 Coursework Requirements

  • A total of 63 credits to meet the graduation requirements
  • A total of 9 credits of required didactic courses: 1) Advanced Engineering Math, 2) Modeling and Performance Analysis, and 3) Seminar and Research Integrity, which are 3 credits each
  • A minimum of 18 credits of didactic 6xxx coursework, which includes the above 9 credits
  • A minimum of 30 credits of dissertation
  • The remaining 15 credits can be a combination of additional coursework, dissertation, or summer internships
  • 5xxx courses can be taken for additional coursework
  • Summer internship earned at 1 credit/internship are limited to 3 credits

A full-time status course load is nine-semester credit hour during the fall or spring semesters and three-semester credit hour during each summer session. For students at the dissertation stage, enrollment in Research/Dissertation Writing courses constitutes a full load.

Transfer Credits

The student’s Advisory Committee may recommend the transfer of up to a maximum of 12 credits for graduate courses taken by the student at any other institution. Transfer credits may be recommended under both core and elective categories. These courses must not be a part of the requirements of a prior degree earned and have a grade of B and above.