Nuclear Engineering
Nuclear engineering is a branch of engineering concerned with the application of fission as well as the fusion of atomic nuclei and the application of other sub-atomic physics, based on the principles of nuclear physics. In the sub-field of nuclear fission, it particularly includes the interaction and maintenance of systems and components like nuclear reactors, nuclear power plants, and/or nuclear weapons. The field also includes the study of medical and other applications of (generally ionizing) radiation, nuclear safety, heat/thermodynamics transport, nuclear fuel and/or other related technology (radioactive waste disposal), and the problems of nuclear proliferation.
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is an international, broadly observed week-long celebration to focus local, regional and international interest on all aspects of nuclear science.
Five courses have been developed for the NRC designated Nuclear Minor Program at 91AV;M University – Kingsville. The minor program and all the courses have been approved by the university. The five courses are:
MEEN 3398 Computer Applications in Nuclear Engineering*
Applications of computer software to solve nuclear engineering problems; nuclear data and cross-section libraries; deterministic and stochastic models; single and multi-objective optimization; applied nuclear engineering codes.
Course Objectives:
- Introduce computational methods for nuclear engineering applications.
- Introduce applied nuclear engineering code systems and computational technologies.
- Introduce deterministic and stochastic models.
- Discuss optimization problems in nuclear engineering.
- Introduce software
tool box to solve the optimization problems.
*Note: This course does not depend on any restricted software and international students can now register.
MEEN 4395 Thermal Hydraulics of Nuclear Reactors
Thermal hydraulics of nuclear reactor core,
Prerequisites: MATH 3320, PHYS 2325, MEEN 3392.
Course Objectives:
- To gain
understanding of the thermal hydraulic processes thattakes place inside the reactor core. - To get familiar with heat transfer processes that
affects the cooling systems of the nuclear reactors and its key components.
MEEN 4396 Nuclear Safety and Reliability
Introduction to nuclear safety systems and licensing principles. Design criteria and regulations. Deterministic, probabilistic, and reliability analysis. Radiological consequences, and risk assessment. Design basis accidents and severe accident management. Implications for advanced reactors. Prerequisites: Senior Standing.
Course Objectives:
- Introduction to safety principles and methods utilized in designing, constructing and operating nuclear power plants.
- Regulatory requirements for designing, constructing and operating a nuclear power plant.
- Provide students with experiential knowledge in the preparation and evaluation of a Safety Analysis Report for meeting regulatory requirements and the experience of presenting the analysis to a regulatory review board.
- Introduce the methods for accident analysis, risk assessment
and management and for dealing with external events. - Show the students how these principles and methods can be utilized for advanced nuclear energy systems.
MEEN 4397 Nuclear Energy
Introduction to basic topics in the analysis and design of nuclear power plants.
Prerequisites: PHYS 2326, MATH 3320.
Course Objectives:
- To provide students with an introduction to basic topics associated with
analysis and design of nuclear fission reactors. - Overview of atomic and nuclear physics.
- Introduction to reactor design theory.
- Practical aspects of Nuclear Power Plants
Nuclear Engineering Minor requirements
To receive a minor in nuclear engineering, a student must complete four of the following engineering electives courses with a grade of “C” or better in each, plus any three of the preparatory courses with a grade of “C” or better in each.
Engineering Electives
- MEEN 3398 Comp App in Nuclear Engr
- MEEN 4395 Therm Hydr of Nuclear Reactors
- MEEN 4396 Fund. of Nuclear Engineering
- MEEN 4397 Intro to Nuclear Power Plants
- EVEN 3399 Nuclear Environment Protection
- MEEN 3347 Thermodynamics or CHEN 3347 Chem Eng Thermodynamics I or AEEN 3346 Thermal Analysis
- MEEN 3348 Heat Transfer or CHEN 3310 Heat Transport Phenomena
- MEEN 3392 Fluid Mechanics or CHEN 3392 Fluid Transport Phenomena or CEEN 3392 Hydraulic and Fluid Mechanics or NGEN 3392 Fluid Transport Phenomena
- MEEN 4344 Control of Systems
- CEEN 3311 Strength of Materials
- EEEN 3331 Circuits and Electrmag Devices
- CEEN 3317 Engineering Economy or IEEN 3325 Engr Economic Analysis I
- EEEN 2340 Digital Logic Design
- EEEN 3449 Microprocessor Systems
- MEEN 3344 Materials Science
NRC Nuclear Engineering Doctoral Fellowship
Current fellowship program lasts until July 2022. Submit your application package to Dr. Xue Yang. Please contact Dr. Xue Yang if you have any question.
Deadline: rolling basis. The application is reviewed and evaluated immediately until all positions are filled.
Program Features:
Available fellowship positions: up to two per academic year.
Open to all current and future Ph.D. students in TAMUK PHEN (PhD in Engineering with specialization in one of the following: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Sustainable Energy Engineering) and EVEN (Environmental Engineering) doctoral programs who are or will be doing nuclear-related Ph.D. dissertations.
Stipend: the fellowship of $1,600/month and tuition coverage for two years.
Travel: limited support for traveling to professional conferences.
US citizen, permanent resident, or noncitizen national.
GPA of 3.3 or higher (new/future/perspective students: undergraduate and master GPA; current PhD students: TAMUK doctoral curriculum GPA).
Admitted to TAMUK PHEN or EVEN doctoral programs.
PhD dissertation topic is in broad areas of nuclear science, engineering, and technology. -
Commitment: serve 1 year in nuclear-related employment in
US after graduation.
Nuclear faculty members:
Students are encouraged to choose the following faculty members as their advisor and contact them to determine dissertation topics. The student applicants may work with other faculty members, as long as the dissertation topic is nuclear-related as determined by the fellowship committee.
PHEN doctoral program:
Dr. Xue Yang, Assistant Professor, Mechanical/Nuclear Engineering. Area of interests: reactor physics, radiation transport, numerical methods, parallel computing, atomic simulation of plasma-material interactions.
Dr. Yousri Elkassabgi, Professor, Mechanical Engineering. Area of interests: thermos-hydraulic modeling, computational fluid dynamics.
EVEN doctoral program:
- Dr. Lee Clapp, Professor, and Chairman, Environmental Engineering. Area of interests: groundwater restoration, groundwater modeling, contaminant fate, and transport modeling, biogeochemical modeling, health physics, environmental monitoring.
The median salaries annual earnings of mining and geological engineers, including mining safety engineers, were $61,770 in 2002. The middle 50 percent earned between $48,250 and $77,160. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $36,720, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $93,660.
According to a 2003 salary survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, bachelor’s degree candidates in mining and mineral engineering (including geological) received starting offers averaging $44,326 a year.
In 2002, nuclear engineers were employed in around 16,000 jobs. Half of these were in the
Nuclear Engineering Job and Employment Opportunities:
It is predicted that profitable job opportunities are available for nuclear engineers
Almost scant or no growth is expected in the employment of nuclear engineers through 2012. Cost
Historic earnings information:
In 2002, the median salaries received by nuclear engineers were $81,350 annually. The middle 50 percent received salaries which lay between $67,970 and $92,930. The lowest 10 percent received salaries which were below $58,350, and the highest 10 percent received salaries above $111,260. In 2002, nuclear engineers who were employed in supervisory and non-supervisory as well as in management jobs by the Federal Government received average salaries of $73,769 a year.
In a 2003 salary survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, nuclear engineers with a bachelor’s degree received starting salaries of $50,104 on an average in a year.
Seasoned engineers may earn more.