

Javelina Camp

Information for Parents

It is said there is no more proud moment in a parent’s life than when they observe the accomplishments of their children. As your child prepares to join us at 91AV;M University – Kingsville you might be feeling various emotions, and surely pride is one of the many.

Another emotion you may be feeling is hope. Hope that your student will be successful in their new journey – Hope that they will make some of the most powerful friendships and connections of their life – Hope that they will take the opportunity to get all possible out of the next few years during their college experience. If these are hopes you have for your child, Javelina Camp is the ideal first experience to encourage them to attend.

In just a few days your student will be connected with specially selected upperclassmen that act as a mentor throughout their transition from high school to college. This is the first opportunity to meet fellow members of the incoming freshmen class – and to become involved in a leadership role as a Class Representative. Additionally, those who attend Javelina Camp are deeply connected with members of the campus community – everyone including our University President, Professors, Staff, and Javelina Alumni are anxious to welcome your child to the Javelina Family!

Congratulations on guiding your student to this point in their educational journey. As they approach adulthood and embark upon the collegiate experience, we invite you to continue to celebrate their successes and encourage them to continue building upon their educational foundation at 91AV;M University – Kingsville.

Thank you for partnering with us to make Javelina Camp a great experience for your new student.

College Hall Bell Tower