

Javelina Camp

Refund Policy

Refund Dates

If you cancel your registration by the following dates then you will receive a refund according to when you cancel.

May 1 - June 1, 2024 

  • 100% Refund
    • $200 Refund

June 2 - July 1, 2024

  • 75% Refund 
    • $150 Refund

July 2 - August 1, 2024

  • 50% Refund
    • $100 Refund

After August 1, 2024

  • 0% Refund
    • No Refund 
If you do not cancel by August 1st, 2024 then you will NOT receive a full or partial refund because lodging and meals have already been paid for by that point. If you register and are a "no show" or leave camp early you will NOT receive a full or partial refund.

**Refunds will only be processed on the days above (please allow 7-10 business days)

**Please email tamuk.javelinacamp@tamuk.edu for questions regarding refunds.