
Office of Research and Innovation

Research and Innovation

Cayuse - Hazard Safety (IBC)

Welcome to the TAMUK Cayuse Hazard Safety webpage. You will find training materials here as well as the status of Cayuse Animal Oversight.

If you have any questions Contact the Office of Research and Innovation.

Within IBC, a new protocol can be started from the Protocol Actions inbox.

  1. Beneath Protocol Actions, click Start a New Protocol Application.

  2. After reading the protocol information, click Start a new IBC Protocol.

Protocol Introduction Options will generate. Cayuse IBC will generate the protocol number automatically, which is available at the top left-hand side of the page.

Please Note: You can exit the protocol document at any time and continue working on it later by clicking Home in the top right-hand corner. The Protocol will be saved in the Draft Protocols tab.

After you create your protocol, you will be directed to an Options page.

The Options section is the first section in the protocol's Table of Contents. You will need to fill out the Options tab and the Funding Sources tab.

When you click Save, the selections made in the Options page determine which sections are added to the Table of Contents. Each Yes answer will populate a separate section.

You can navigate to any section by clicking on the section name within the Table of Contents.

A green check in the box next to a section means that all required fields within the section have been filled out. All sections must have a check mark before you can submit the protocol.

Once you've completed all of your options for your table of contents, you can begin filling out your protocol.

Please note: Many aspects of your protocol form are configurable by your institution. If you have an inquiry regarding the questions, contact the administrator at your institution.

The following sections explain the types of questions you may be asked within your protocol.

Required Questions

Required questions have a red dotted border around them. These questions must be answered before you submit your protocol.

If all required questions are answered within a section, a green checkmark will appear next to the section within the table of contents.

Text Fields

Text fields are provided when you need to input a custom response. If the text field has a toolbox, then you will be able to input rich text, such as bolded or italicized text, custom alignment, or bullet points.

Radio Buttons

Radio button questions appear when only one choice is allowed from a set of configured choices.

Check Boxes

Check box questions appear when you can choose more than one choice from a set of configured choices.

Drop-Down Menus

Questions with drop-down menus are similar to radio button questions, and will let you select one answer from a set of configured choices.

Add From List

The Add From List option allows you to choose from data that you have inputted previously. For example, if you are a PI, you may be able to add funding from your current list of funds, depending on your approved protocols.

Add New

The Add New option allows you to add new data into the system, such as a new funding source, location, or strain.


When adding from a list or adding new data, you can edit the data by clicking on the list item, and then clicking Edit.

Delete or Remove

You can delete or remove an item from a list by clicking on the item, and then clicking Remove.

If a protocol is returned with recommendations from reviewers, the PI will receive an email notification. The PI can re-open the protocol by clicking on the protocol number within the email, or within Draft Protocol Alerts.

Within the protocol, the reviewer pane will be displayed on the right-hand side. Click on a tab to expand the pane.

You will see a pencil icon next to any sections where reviewers are requesting a revision.

Within each section requiring review, you can make a revision to your protocol, respond to the reviewer with a rebuttal, or both. To make a rebuttal, click the checkbox next to Review Rebuttal, and type your response.

When you are finished revising your protocol, click Submit Protocol, type in your password, and click Submit.

If you would like to use an approved protocol as a base for a new protocol, you can copy the protocol from the Protocol Actions inbox.

Click on the protocol you wish to copy, and then click Copy Protocol to New Document.

You will be directed to your new protocol application.

In Cayuse IBC, the left-hand menu contains different sections for alerts regarding your protocols. You can refer to these alerts to understand where your protocols are within the routing process.

Draft Protocols

This alert displays the protocols that have yet to be submitted. You can continue to edit the protocol by clicking on the protocol number.

Protocols in Review

This alert displays the workflow process, showing both the sender and recipient of the protocol. If a protocol appears in italics, it means the protocol hasn't yet been submitted to the PI.

If a protocol is returned with recommendations from reviewers, the PI will receive an email notification. The PI can re-open the protocol by clicking on the protocol number within the email, or within Draft Protocol Alerts.

Continuing Review

This alert shows protocols that have come up for the first year review.

De Novo Reviews

This alert will show protocols up for their three year review.

IBC Amendments

This alert will show draft amendments. 

Continuations in Review

This alert shows first year review protocols that are in review by the IBC committee.

In Cayuse IBC, you are able to search for protocols from the Actions menu

  1. Click the menu next to the Hazard Safety header.
  2. Click on IBC Protocol Search.

  3. Select any filters by which you wish to limit the search. If you need to add additional filters, click Add Filter.

  4. When you've chosen your filters, click Search. Your search results will populate.

You can also Export the report to a .CSV, Recall Filters, or Save Filters for later.

At some point, you may need to run reports in Cayuse IBC. You can run three different kinds of reports:

  • IBC Protocol Reports
  • IBC Contact Reports
  • IBC Agents Reports
  1. Click the menu next to the Hazard Safety header.
  2. Click on the type of report or search you wish to run.

  3. Select any filters by which you wish to limit the report. If you need to add additional filters, click Add Filter.

  4. When you've chosen your filters, click Run Report. The report will populate in a new window.

You can also Export the report to a .CSV, Recall Filters, or Save Filters for later.